AWS EC2 - 0 addresses found from DNS seeds


I’ve configured an EC2 instance according to this guide:

However it seems that the daemon can’t connect to the testnet.

I see following in the debug.log:
2016-10-06 11:57:10 ZcashMiner started
2016-10-06 11:57:20 0 addresses found from DNS seeds
2016-10-06 11:57:20 dnsseed thread exit
2016-10-06 11:57:26 keypool reserve 2
2016-10-06 11:57:26 keypool return 2
2016-10-06 11:57:28 keypool reserve 2
2016-10-06 11:57:28 keypool return 2
2016-10-06 11:57:32 keypool reserve 2
2016-10-06 11:57:32 keypool return 2
2016-10-06 11:58:11 Adding fixed seed nodes as DNS doesn’t seem to be available.

How can I resolve this? I appreciate any help.

Ok… it looks like the guide was written for beta1. I’m switching to beta2 now.