BOSL or MIT - Orchard

We want to attract more developers to build applications for Zcash, including many developers who strongly advocate building FOSS.

I am in favor of dual licencing under GPL and BOSL, but this must also include as zooko mentioned upthread a “blanket exception for everyone to be able to use our Orchard code to support Zcash (ZEC) without having to BOSL their other code”

We also want to enourage existing independant developers in the ecosystem who have similar principles.

I know @hanh, developer of ZWallet, has indicated that the BOSL licence is a showstopper for him, I would like to know if the above approach would work for him as I believe that will be an important data point.

My preference is to licence as MIT, it’s simpler and will more effectively further the goal of expanding/nurturing the developer ecosystem.