BOSL or MIT - Orchard

Everyday I feel stronger about this issue…

I understand ECC’s intention to have this ammunition to be able to have leverage creating partnerships and other possible opportunities on behalf of Zcash Ecosystem, but I’m convinced this is not the right approach @zooko

Let’s go back to our crypto anarchists root, free open-source software for everyone. It has worked for projects that are currently reaching 1000x more users than Zcash, and it will continue to work. The revolution won’t be decentralised and it won’t be BSOL-licensed. Have faith in what we have been building for years and years.

ECC influence will continue to grow, and as we foster an open ecosystem so will the price of ZEC, and that will be the feedback loop that empowers the company even further.

I leave the discussion to more experienced people, but I pose the question to on: What is the difference of holding a bad license under the prerogative that you can do good for the ecosystem with it versus the government asking for our financial data because they might stop 2 dozens of bad guys?