BOSL or MIT - Orchard

I never said that. Putting words in other people’s mouths to try to force a point just shows the weakeness of your argument in the first place. It is also manipulative and lame.

You seem to (conveniently) have forgotten the most important stakeholders, the ones who paid for the research and development for Orchard: ZEC holders

Many of whom have already voiced on previous threads their support for BOSL as the type of licensing that will best reward them for their investments, and most of whom HAVE NEVER AND WILL NEVER vote on any ZCAP polls for a number of logistical reasons.

ZCAP polls, overseen by the Zcash Foundation (and for whom ZEC holders seem to be an afterthought at best ) are not really representative of most of the people holding ZEC, but of Zcash insiders.

This lack of interest in ZEC holders is mindblowing, and seems to be a recurring pattern with many here.

Luckily we have @zooko and ECC trying to protect their interests.