BOSL or MIT - Orchard

I find the idea appealing that we want many, many developers and companies contributing to or even just using Zcash tech. As a corporate engineer/architect who has sway in choosing what tech to work with at Big Corp, I always always always choose exclusively MIT-licensed dependencies, mainly so i never have to worry about it or waste time and money considering these types of licensing questions.

It seems that BOSL is basically intended to thwart Big Corp from using Orchard for proprietary code and perhaps also to thwart CoinB from improving by using Orchard for free? The idea is that Big Corp or CoinB might leave ZEC in the dust because people will use Big Corp or CoinB instead of Zcash?

To quote Darth Vader, “I find your lack of faith disturbing”.

In the worst case scenario, how much could Big Corp or CoinB using Orchard for free hurt ZEC? Do we really think that it could be an existential crisis?

I dont think that ZEC needs copyright protections to succeed. IMHO, Zcash needs improved tooling and developer facilities to create the biggest, baddest collection of MIT-licensed privacy :fire: that supports 100s and 1000s of developers working on, maintaining and integrating different facets of the ecosystem, building all kinds of amazing things that we havent thought of yet.

My focus would be scaling the developer community and cultivating new contributors. BOSL could be a risk to these goals.

Feel free to read my extremely unpopular thought experiment into how i would like to see the Zcash developer community scale :smile:

In short though, the benefit of holding/buying/mining ZEC is that we are going to build an unstoppable juggernaut, unencumbered by restrictive licensing and, by growing the developer ecosystem over years, possibly compete for lofty goals like ZEC being the most widely used and accepted private internet money.