fail on boost_system-mt exit check

attempting with 1.0.10-1, fails on:

checking for boostlib >= 1.20.0... yes
checking whether the Boost::System library is available... yes
checking for exit in -lboost_system-mt... no
configure: error: Could not link against boost_system-mt !

using gcc/gxx 5.4.0

what disto/version are you using?

commit d6ec3954 on 4.11.3-1-ARCH

there are several tickets about build issues on arch in the issue tracker at GitHub - zcash/zcash: Zcash - Internet Money I would search in there

seems to be unresolved still, ticket opened april…?

ah, miniupnpc is being removed from zcash soon…you can patch it out by removing mention of it in depends/packages/ and then building again

removing miniupnpc has no effect. But i don’t think that’s the issue, it’s just where the text got cut off by the html snippet renderer. The issues is boost.

Interestingly, if I do configure myself against libraries I’ve installed, everything passes. When trying to make, though, there is some issue regarding a missing profiling.hpp header file in libsnark, which I compiled and installed from source using branch “candidate-master” from