A great thing about Zcash: I am admittedly somewhat distraught by some of what I’m finding, and I ask who around here even uses Tor—and up pops this reply:
Please don’t tell me that they’re all students on East Campus. We also need some Westies to make for a proper “anonymity set”.

I personally use Tor for outgoing connections to (regular) nodes, and also run a
instance that is accessible over a v3 onion (viaAutomapHostsOnResolve
Interesting. How is it discoverable, since it can’t be gossipped? (Asking for a friend.)
Thanks for your comments. Zcashland at its finest—and a fine endorsement of Tor, I may add. Please be forewarned that after I finish catching up on things to be worried about, I may try to hit you and the other Zcash forum cryptographers up with positive ideas for awesome things that Zcash could make happen. I’d be thrilled to discuss creative brainstorms for how by the magic of cryptography, the coin with hands-down absolutely the best blockchain privacy could better leverage its ecological niche, reach new markets, and influence changes on the wider ecosystem. —Right after I wonder aloud if anyone around here knows anyone from DCI who could ask Wladimir for advice on how to catch up to feature parity with Bitcoin Core 23.0… Maybe Zcash should spend development money on that, instead of on memes and videos.