Dev Fund Decision Time

Today, we opened a ZCAP poll to determine whether there is clear consensus amongst the Zcash community that a new Dev Fund should be established when the current Dev Fund expires in November, and, if so, which Dev Fund proposal should be adopted.

ECC have opened a similar poll of their Zcash Ad Hoc Caucus.

A summary of the proposals under consideration can be found here:


Remember to check the spam folder :+1:

Hey folks, I just got a private message from someone who said that he saw my name on Draft zf-community-dev-fund-2-proposal: Establishing a Hybrid Dev Fund for ZF, ZCG and a Dev Fund Reserve so he assumed that I’m endorsing that one.

While I appreciate getting credit for having contributed to, like, the ancestor of the ancestor of that ZIP, I’m not endorsing any of these ZIPs, so could you please remove my name from that one and any others so that people don’t think that I am? Thank you!


Attn ZIP Editors

I have opened Remove Zooko's name from draft-zf-community-dev-fund-2-proposal by nuttycom · Pull Request #872 · zcash/zips · GitHub. Do you also want your name removed from the ZIP 1014 credits in Draft noamchom67-manufacturing-consent: Manufacturing Consent; Re-Establishing a Dev Fund for ECC, ZF, ZCG, Qedit, FPF, and ZecHub?


Yes, please. I don’t want other people like that one guy who reached out to me to think that I am endorsing any of these ZIPs. Thank you!


Zooko, love having you back and active on this forum, especially as an independent contributor that can completely speak your mind. This is awesome.

Just thought I’d let you know that under your name when you post on the forum, your title is still Electronic Coin Company v Regular should you like to change that :wink:

Anyhow - happy to see you here :+1::star_struck:


Fixed! Thanks!


The results of the ZCAP poll are in!

Under the Majority Choice Approval (MCA-M or Modified Bucklin) voting method, the winning proposal is the Lockbox for Decentralized Grants Allocation (20% option).

The poll also asked voters to express their approval of direct and non-direct funding models, with an additional option of “I wish to reserve judgment until more information about a Non-Direct Funding Model is available”.

(Note that cumulative percentages may not total to 100% due to abstentions.)


It’s also very notable that “Lockbox for Decentralized Grants Allocation (20% option)” got the lowest strongly disagree vote with only 26 votes. This would, in many other weighted count methods, likely place it on top.


Personally, I’m relieved that we didn’t end up with an outcome like this:


In light of the decision by ECC and others to conduct a runoff poll, we have opened a runoff poll of ZCAP.


It feels a little difficult to make an informed decision here.


The results are in!

These results are reinforced by the results of the alternative polls of the ZecHub DAO, Zcash Brazil community, and the Zcash Spanish-speaking communities.

We can therefore conclude that the Hybrid Deferred Dev Fund option enjoys majority support across the Zcash community.

Thank you to everyone who participated in this process. While it was messy and controversial at times (and it’s clear that there is plenty of scope for improving the process), we have ended up with a result that bodes well for the future of Zcash. It ensures that the Zcash Community Grants program will continue to receive funding over the coming year, supporting its ongoing mission to fund independent teams entering the Zcash ecosystem, and ensuring that the Zcash ecosystem can continue to become more decentralized.

This result is also an important step in the geographic decentralization of the Zcash ecosystem, as it lays the path for the Zcash Community Grants program to migrate from the Zcash Foundation (which, like Bootstrap and ECC, is domiciled in the United States) to the Financial Privacy Foundation (which is domiciled in the Cayman Islands).


Below are all the poll results tallied so far. There’s supermajority support for the Hybrid proposal across the board. We’re still waiting for results from ZAC and ZURE. They might not change the outcome, but it would be interesting to see the results.

Thanks to everyone who supported the Hybrid proposal!


Even if 100% of those who voted in the ZAC poll supported the Lockbox for Decentralized Grants proposal, it wouldn’t change the overall outcome.

Of the 51 people who voted in the ZAC poll, at least 40 of them also voted in the ZCAP poll (and, therefore, those 40 votes are already accounted for in the ZCAP poll results), leaving 11 additional voters. Even if those 11 people all voted for the Lockbox for Decentralized Grants, combining the two sets of results would still result in a win for the Hybrid Deferred option (by 91 votes to 51).

Incidentally, the low degree of overlap between those who took part in the Zcash Espanol and Zcash Brazil polls, and the ZCAP poll (four and three people, respectively), means that at least 21 people who did not vote in the ZCAP poll voted in favour of the Hybrid Deferred option in one of those two polls, and at least five people voted in favour of Lockbox for Decentralized Grants.

@aquietinvestor Note that your table doesn’t take abstentions in the ZCAP poll into account when calculating the percentages. Assuming that the four people who abstained support neither option, the percentages that support the Hybrid Deferred and Lockbox for Decentralized Grants are 67% and 30%, respectively.


Is it correct that

ZCAP: 135/190 voted, So roughly 71% engagement
ZAC : 51/91, So roughly 56% engagement
ZecHub: 17/17, 100% engagement
Zcash Espanol: 18/19, 95% engagement
Zcash Brazil: 22/32, 69% engagement


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I’m merely highlighting what the results of the polls indicate.

You can replicate the results yourself by going through the voter lists of the ZCAP, ZAC, ZecHub, Zcash Espanol and Zcash Brazil polls, and identifying where the same people voted in multiple polls.

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(in my personal capacity, not as an ECC employee or ZIP editor)

@Dodger your assertion that everyone voting in multiple polls voted the same way in all of them:

has no basis other than speculation; we will never know this for ZCAP and ZAC (due to how Helios works), and will only have a reasonable guess once the ZAC poll results are released. (I’m not going to speculate why someone might vote differently across multiple polls, but it is possible to do.)