Dev Fund: plans for top two proposal runoff

Speaking for myself, I prefer the Decentralized Grants Allocation for the following reasons:

  • This proposal would last two years

Most polls suggested the community wants to halve the time of the next dev fund, I agree.

  • A more fair and impartial approach makes sense to me. I agree with the following quote:

  • ZCG accountability

I have questioned both publicly and privately some concerns I have regarding the communities ability to hold ZCG accountable for actions taken, or not taken. This job is hard, and with the current setup, I’m not sure its fair to both the community and the volunteers who run it, to criticize. However, as @joshs has mentioned, it’s probably most prudent to avoid direct funding. I could be wrong here, but I think its time for change.

With all this stated, I will support either option pending the run off poll, and I want to personally thank everyone who is actively participating in both the voting/opinions as well as the folks who are conducting this very messy governance marathon.

Thank you :zebra: :man_student: