My post wasn’t about comparing. Let’s not compare. The score is not great on its own, no matter how you display it. I think it’s actually worse on its own. Not a passing grade.
The effectiveness score in Q16 is also not great.
I’m really surprised by your argument against this question. You reviewed my survey before it went live and saw no problems with these questions. After I published the report, you and I have discussed this exact page and how the results are displayed. Someone brought up similar concerns, and you disagreed with them then. You liked that question and its context.
Later, you acknowledged this question and the data as relevant, which I thought was really cool.
Either way the scores are what they are. That’s the feedback from over 100 Zcashers.
Those polls didn’t provide a time limit, which meant a respondent that started tracking Zcash community 1 year ago and a respondent that joined 4 years ago were rating completely different periods. That’s “apples to oranges.” Performance evaluations are done quarterly for very obvious reasons.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but were those polls taken exclusively by ZCG grant recipients?