added: Advocate: boxalex
Requesting further info
For fine-tuning this proposal i think it’s necessary to have more information provided. From the Foundation as well as the ECC:
List of questions and request to be answered:
1.) The foundation stated that it would only support If its not the only recepient of a possible new dev fund. Are there any fixed % tied to the foundations decision on minimu/maximum?
2.) The foundation made its own proposal with an opt-out mechansim, but declared it would only support an opt-in mechanism. This seems to be a conflict/contradict for itself. My opinion is the foundation should have a more than clear line here what it supports and what not, hence asking is the foundation going to support only opt-in proposals or not?
3.) To make a better proposal i think the community and proposal makers should be given some facts from the ECC:
a.) What is the sum of monthly wages (without bonsues, ect) for how many ECC employees per month currently?
b.) Is it planned to keep the staff size after october 2020, lower it, or increase it?
c.) Currently (to my knowledge) advisors, founders get compensated no matter how. Is it planned to continue to compensate advisors, founders, ect. with a new dev fund after 2020?
d.) On Zcon1 it was mentioned US$ 1,000,000 are needed per month by the ECC to continue work after Oct 2020, how are these funds calculated and split into categories?
e.) Do these 1M in funds include the foundation funding share or just the funds needed by the ECC?
f.) In case of a continued or new dev fund for the ECC, will the ECC fully transparent show what the funds have been used for?
g.) Can the ECC declare that any current founder reward (ECC part) and future dev fund finances are only used for the Zcash project.
h.) Are there any financial audits done, planned or planned for a new dev fund after oct 2020?
i.) What are fixed known targets for the roadmap Oct 2020 - Oct 2024 that need funding?
j.) What are the possible targets for a 2020 - 2024 roadmap?
k.) Will the foundation and ECC threat each proposal equal? This includes not favouring, advertising, etc. so a fair polling/election/selection/whatever is granted?
l.) Is there yet a design/mechanism/system planned on how a given proposal will be selected. Any time lines or more information? Who is deciding which design/mechanism/system is used?
m.) What is the scenario for the ECC if for example a proposal like this one is choosen which favours opt-in but it results in less than US$ 1M as requested/wished by the ECC, let’s say 500k-750k? Is there any additional research done by the ECC for funding sources or is the ECC just relying 100% on a future dev fund?
n.) At what stage is the Zcash trademark multisig attempt and when will the trademark sharing with the foundation be finished?
Thank you very much in advance. I hope my opinion gets shared that such information is needed if a realistic proposal should be made.
Until that it makes most sense to put this (my proposal) temporary on hold as i can not see any logic to continue further without the requested details.