Dev fund proposal: 15% Opt-In only + other sources

Thank you very much for answering your part. Could you please forward the rest of the questions to someone able to answer them?

This sounds as the foundation is withdrawing from it’s original decision “ONLY” to only supporting opt-in proposals. IF any of the core points the foundation has set, like the opt-in mechanism for example is going to be edited, an official statement should be made as soon as possible as several proposal, like mine, take the foundation’s core stance as the basic of the proposal itself.

I have a bad feeling that the foundation will not hold it’s promise not to support any mandatory dev fund, but i hope i’am wrong.

Are there any protocols from the foundation’s side about the negotiations? I’am raising the question about the Zcash Trademark as in my opinion it’s an very important factor for the whole future of Zcash and not only for the funding proposals where it actually should place a role as well after nothing is finished yet.

Actually yes, that’s the case. And i fully share for months now the points @sarang made in his post here: Lack of information about future funding

It’s more than strange to ask for proposals, even try to push them without having concrete numbers, details, whatever for what the funds are used for, just as an example.