Hi Zcash, long time no see (first post from 1/2016)
I may or may not be a holder of ZEC in the sprout pool. I haven’t run zcashd on my computer since sometime in 2019. I just compiled it and started it syncing. I can see that there are half a dozen sprout addresses in the wallet and a pair of sapling addresses. I remember something about a turnstyle and I remember starting it at some point. I do not yet know whether all the ZEC moved from all the sprout addresses to the sapling addresses. I assume that will become obvious whenever the chain sync is completed.
Speaking as someone who at the moment does not know whether I have funds in sprout addresses or not, I can say clearly that if I had happened to get around to firing up zcashd a year or two or three (however far into the future you deprecators are planning to nuke the sprout pool) and found that you had effectively decided to nix my ZEC by fiat that that would suck and my trust level for whoever made that decision, whoever developed that software, and for the zcash project altogether would instantly come to approximate my trust in Janet Yellen, Steve Mnuchin, and the entire USD cartel. I’d vote with my fingers to find a different crypto project to hold my hodlings.