One of the best ways to figure out how much people care about zcash and privacy is to start charging a fee. First, zcash needs the funding. Second, people willing to pay for something is a valuable insight to have. When it’s given away for free, you really don’t know how strong the thesis is or if you are creating things people actually want. Third, visa/mastercard have proven people are willing to pay 3% to move money around. Likewise, people pay 50 cents to mail a check or pay $30 or so to wire money.
So why not charge a 1/2% transaction fee (min 25 cents) and cap it at 30? It will help support funding new development, and will help guide development, among other benefits.
fee split
1/3 goes to treasury
1/3 goes to any team funding a project on top of zcash blockchain (if possible to isolate fee split relative to a specific development or use case. eg a new project only keeps 1/3 of the fees it generates.)
1/3 yield/burn
(placeholders % splits. change as needed. you get funding from zcash it’s 1/3 or less. you find your own development you get 2/3 for example). Apple and google have proven this model works.
This will incentive people to build on top of zcash cash and hold zcash…profitable development = more transactions, more funding, more development more yield…
Now is the time to do this to figure it all out prior to a transition to POS.