ECC update for 12/28

Hi everyone. While most of the team has been on PTO during this shortened week, I wanted to provide a few updates:

  • I previously mentioned that I would be making organizational and leadership changes. Andy Murray has stepped down from his role as ECC CFO and COO. Andy is a good man and I thank him for his service these last five and a half years.

  • I do not plan to hire a CFO in the short term. Margaret and Janie will continue to manage much of our day-to-day operations. Janie will come back full time after she finishes her Master’s degree in May. Additionally, we have two outside CPAs that we use for managing our books and taxes.

  • I’ll save you the boring details, but I spent a good chunk of time this week going through financials, legal documents, and operational processes.

  • I’m not sure if we’ve previously disclosed this information, but in addition to Agoric and Starkware, Bootstrap (ECC parent) is an early stage investor in both Ingonyama and Bolt Labs. They are small investments totaling under $50k.

  • We financially committed to join the Universal Privacy Alliance for 2024. This multi-project group is committed to education, information and coordination on activities that support our rights to privacy.

  • We are also renewing our commitment to the Blockchain Association. They are doing invaluable work in Washington and core to our continued efforts there.

  • We’ve been trying to work through the CZ disaster. Thanks to the ZecHub team for working on this with us.

  • We’ll publish a transparency report before the end of the year, same format as previous.

Here are some of the things we’ll be doing after the Jan 1:

  • We are working on venues for Zeboot with an intent to announce something in early January along with an agenda around the same time or shortly after.

  • I’ll be working on the team on various operational financial transitions, our 2024 budget and an updated organizational model the first and second week of January.

  • As I mentioned last week, our engineering teams will be focused on the following when they return in Jan:

    • Continuing work on Zashi and the SDK. In particular the team is working to enable modern fees (ZIP 317), add Orchard support, and has begun work on exploring background sync.

    • Continuing work on PoS research including design, a simulator and a prototype.

    • Additionally, we’ll start working a smooth transition plan for zcashd.

  • Re-engagement with key partners such as Brave.

  • Target for updated roadmap: post Zeboot. I and others have some interesting ideas to explore!

Happy New Year everyone!


Are these Agoric and Starkware assets liquid/ unvested/ vested?

Is there a line anywhere in the sand, regarding the value of ZEC dropping so low, that ECC would consider hedging out of those altcoin assets to bolster its ZEC position (rather than continuing to liquidate ZEC further down?)

Are any details about the Ingonyama and Bolt Labs assets/ claims/ vesting periods available?

Our Agoric tokens are liquid and some have been sold. The other investments are not. All options are on the table.