ECC update for Jan 20 2024

I’m not sure that I’m following completely but we may be muddling things.

Under the current model, if demand for scarce block space increases, so will fees, same as BTC. Certain types of transactions may result in different fee structures such as with ZIP 317, minting and redeeming ZSAs, swaps, storage in legacy pools, etc. There may be revenue generating opportunities for ancillary services. I don’t believe changing the 21M cap is currently under any serious consideration, but that’s up to the community.


Prefer this, and keep the 21m cap. Otherwise why have a cap at all for all these years? Figure out new ways to make money, not admitting defeat and hoping that increasing a constant automatically makes number go up.



@Jgx7, @pkr. I understand your concerns but I also haven’t had or personally heard any serious suggestions or movements for raising the cap.


It would be a huge boon to everyone to focus on the designated Zeboot agenda and not touch any of the other topics that are making a mess one way or another. I’m referring to threads on the forum, a person far from Zcash can come here and see that there is a discussion about some limit changes. But in reality there is no discussion about it at all. Let’s not raise the mud from the depths of the ocean. We don’t need it.


Well said :saluting_face:


Well hello there, I’ve been pushing this idea for a while now!


I’m flagging this as disrespectful (“This post contains content that a reasonable person would consider offensive”). The debate can be heated, but we should respect each others.

21 M cap is as iron clad as the Zcash name. I don’t understand where you got this from :roll_eyes:.

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because the new CEO of ECC says that the supply is " up to the community", and i saw how it worked previously with other decisions… they have to draw a line at some point, not give those spineless answers . this behavior is what drew so many people out of Zcash to other projects

Which previous decisions are you referring to? Apologies for my ignorance as I only got into Zcash a couple of years ago.

moving away from ASIC resistance and keeping the Dev Fund.
which just pushed away so many people
the “community voted”, but its always just a group of insiders who were invited and are close to the table… i for example couldn’t vote because i couldn’t get an invititation

I’m not knowledgeable enough about the ASIC resistance thing so I’m not going to comment (we are moving to POS so regardless, mining as a topic will become a thing of the past).

Regarding the Dev fund, I’m pro dev fun and forever will be so long as it’s managed properly and in line with developing the protocol and other necessities.

there are positive and negative things about both, it still was a shot in the leg tho…
so now even saying that “changing the supply can be negotiable” is really concerning… i dont want to get to the point when they really negotiating this.

(damn sorry for spam i am laggy )

Read it again. That’s not what Josh said or even hinted at. He literally just stated the obvious.

He’s a Satoshi’s vision maxi in my opinion which translates to solid backbone. Regardless, the community is solid enough, old enough and diverse enough to handle any silly ideas (supply cap, L2), another big :+1: for Zcash in my books.

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Although I can’t attend Zeboot, I’m really excited that this is happening and I look forward to hearing what comes out of it.

Like any Zcash event, the most benefit comes from the in-person interactions, so I hope there will be more multi-day in-person Zcash workshop events in the future.

Can you give us an idea of how many people you expect to attend? Did I miss this somewhere in the hijacking of the thread?


Hey! I believe there are 20-25 of us.


He’s not wrong, though. What do you want him to say? “I say no and it won’t happen… for the duration of my tenure here”.

I totally disagree with modifying the 21m cap for various reasons – namely because it gives a massive credibility loss to everyone who contributed to Zcash (and Bitcoin) previously, and seems selfish, short-sighted, and reactionary.


i want him to laugh and say, “are you crazy bro??” :upside_down_face:
Josh is great, not trying to make it personal ever.
i just believe we should start at putting boundries, principles and goals…
there is no way in the world a small group like the ZCAP, can decide for a global community of cryptocurrency like Zcash (in such crucial decisions).
its not premined corporate shit like most of the coins

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You assume that by “community” he meant ZCAP. I hope it would take more than that to change the coin cap.



Lol. I only meant that I am not the decider. If you want my opinion, the cap shouldn’t change and there are far more pressing things to consider at present. Moving on.