Yet another thread on this. But this time focusing more on setting up EOS for Zcash software to stop supporting transparent transactions. My understanding is that only few pieces are missing to make shielded tech available (multisig, ledger z-addr etc). In that case, we should be able to set up EOS for transparent transactions to begin with.
What’s a good month/year for this? If Halo upgrade is in hands of Zcash community, why can’t this be?
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Ultimately it does but given the current zaddy usage statistics I’d say that would be highly erroneous (and I’ve argued is ultimately against the mission of empowering financial freedom), Nighthawk wallet (I believe) limits usage to z only, if you’re planning on forking then at least you’ve laid out a nice runway so we can all get our tax liabilities in order beforehand
YOUR ideal of all private and (I believe the misnomer) that current taddy usage stems from ignorance of choice doesn’t justify making other peoples decisions for them