Error: 18: bad-txns-joinsplit-requirements-not-met


export wallet,
format anything,
reinstall zcash,
import wallet,
reindex blockchain

get this error on sendmany even having visible balance after reindex

may be someone had the same issues or can try to reproduce the sequence

error code does not help me

send from z address to z addres

$ ~/zcash/src/./zcash-cli z_sendmany “ztai3ZqmgKFY7HvbkxgCB
Z84RNtp2YzjpzZqxgxwtnHgZT2jDnYBJ2SmJqyT9dFyuohVPnBdAo4LvxFZFeLN9Z2noy3Tdh2” "[{
“address": "ztnruaSX7xiaJbWM3BsNob6PAVGm1irgshbvXfkDnowLwrzvyW2VvpqgjHwEc1josH
16EuoWxLzFqBRxCpAXtCb7HMWfhyC", "amount": 3.0}]”


$ ~/zcash/src/./zcash-cli z_getoperationstatus

“id” : “opid-563e241e-02bb-4e95-8c95-797df7046825”,
“status” : “failed”,
“creation_time” : 1476651747,
“error” : {
“code” : -26,
“message” : “18: bad-txns-joinsplit-requirements-not-met”

$ tail -n1000 *.log | grep 563e241e-02bb-4e95-8c95-797df7046825
2016-10-16 21:02:58 async rpc opid-563e241e-02bb-4e95-8c95-797df7046825 finished (status=failed, error=18: bad-txns-joinsplit-requirements-not-met)