Fundraising campaign to represent Zcash in Europe

@gordonesTV I applaud you and @AuraBritoSM for all of your efforts and your willingness to step forward even more! You are stars and your work is clearly paying off. It’s much needed. I keep hearing how people haven’t seen Zcash for a while in public spaces, and from many more that are just hearing about it for the first time. Boots-on-the-ground evangelism and education are so important.

While ECC does not typically provide grants, we are willing to cover about $50% of your travel costs, up to $4k in ZEC. I’m hoping that other Zcashers and perhaps the other orgs are willing to chip in to get you to 100% in short order. My only ask is that you document the trip and share back about what happened and what you learned.

I’m excited to see this happen. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to support you!