Future of Zecwallet

TL;DR some hackers are intent on rolling out a variant (or better continuation!) of zecwallet that has a simple opt-out contribution-for-service based funding model.

Hey folks… a few of us have been working on the zecwallet code… fixing stale dependencies, cleaning up the UI, setting up CI infrastructure etc. We had hoped to be further along before announcing ourselves widely, but this conversation shows that we need to say something now.

We’re mostly done with a POC fork of zecwallet.

We would be very eager to collaborate with, support, and integrate with other efforts!

Our thesis is that the resulting app is economically sustainable, since it incorporates opt-in micropayments to the dev-and-infra teams who hold a multi-sig wallet intended to support the project.
We believe that past projects have benefited from an abundance of technical prowess and suffered from misaligned incentives.

This experiment was catalyzed around this thread:

If we are successful we’ll refer to ourselves as a DAO, because our funds will be held by our developers/participants in a k-of-n threshold commitment scheme. We think that this is sufficient structure to warrant the name.