Genoil's ZEC Miner


OK settings?

Dunno. I haven’t tried to micromanage that much or use a traditional HDD before. Looks like it should be fine though. Try it and find out.

Nope still the same, hmm pool issue…have no official zcash key to use… Linux instal 10x…

I was trying to nearly 5 days to get flypool to work but Genoil would crash out
Moved to nanopool and I’ve not had any issues at all

Well claymore said he thought it would be 1 - 2 days for his solcannon miner and that was 1.5 days ago…so judging by the way software development goes that should be available by monday. Genoil’s miner seems heavily dependant upon the strength of the CPU and PCI-E lanes…and even having a traditional HDD might be slowing it down too due to heavy swap file usage.

Just to be clear though, you were trying two kernel instances though right? (-k zec zec) and your cards are 4GB?

which treath you read this, can you provide the link to this claymore discussion?

Not clear on how to use this. Do I just copy all the text, save it as a batch file, and then run it in the Genoil folder, or do I have to change some parameters (like “cat sample_output” for example)?

Yes, copy all the text, save it as a batch file, and then run it in the Genoil folder, play :smile:

This is NOT a bat file.
And fails to start due to error on line 35

Just the drivers, vram @ 1500 Mhz, gpu @ 1100 and optimized vram timings in the bioses (back from the LTC days, stilt bioses).

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Help me somebody.

I cannot increase Sols from my rig using -k zec zec.

I got 1 Sapphire RX 470 8gb + 5 MSI RX 470 4 gb. all bios modded timings for ethereum mining. All on x16-x1 raisers.
8 gb RAM dual channel
Asrock h81 pro BTS
Virtual memory - 50 Gb
Windows 10 64

Without -k zec + memory overclock to 1900 - 160 Sols average. (26.6 Sols/card)
With -k zec - all same.
With -k zec zec - 60-70 Sols from all 6 card rig.

Tried many drivers, with or without overclocking - -k zec zec allways dropps Sols 2 times and more.

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try switching pools?

or try version 0.4 of genoil.


i have win 10 x64, 5* rx 480 8gb nitro OC, custom rom (rom is for ether purpose),

i start mining and it is show 150 hash, then after a few minutes one GPU show 0,0 hash, and then again second GPU…after 3 hourse i have only 50 hash and 2 GPU working.

IS problem the overcloced rom ? or is the sofwere? i am using the 16.9.3 (or 2) AMD driver.

thank you for help
good mning day.

you have to read bit more!!! common issue!!! try switching pools and writing restart script

Finally have my App completed. It works perfectly for restarting Genoils if there are 0.0S/s showing up and also if there are No Shares being found.

The best part is I can change the readings to work with any current miner and future miner and it works better than the ones in the miners themselves. It is actually an accumulation of 5 different .exe that are called on to run task such as “Count 0.0’s” at the beginning of starting the miner and then subtracting those from the total every 60 sec. If the number is increasing it restarts the miner.

It also works to look at “submitted shares” and if No shares are being found it will restart the miner. It gives a readout every 60 seconds after the first 2 minutes (for booting) of the NoShareCount and the NoHashCount.

Here are a few pics below:

hahaha WICKED file names