We need more collaboration between the core teams working on Zcash
I want to refer back to this statement from @LeCryptoMath back when we were deciding whether or not to fund ZSAs…
Prior to Zcon 3, I would love to see a united roadmap that is constructed by both ECC and ZF. It would be awesome if each entity could co-sign where they want contribute to it and where there is room for Third Party, core quality teams, to step in and fill the gaps.
This thread is sad but I think these discussions are so critical to Zcash moving forward because it feels like we are on life support as far adoption. The strategies/plans we have in place are obviously not working.
Things like Zcash Media stepping in to fill a huge gap while being funded by the community is such a huge step in the right direction. I think we should DOUBLE DOWN on them! Or how QEDIT was able to step in and get a huge grant for ZSAs… To best prepare & inspire new teams we need a Unified Roadmap, no pun intended, which the community can look back on and rest assured there is a team working on critical infrastructure that makes Zcash the central infrastructure of PRIVATE HARD ASSETS in “Web 3” ~ 5 years from now.
I really hope we can put all our differences aside and get this done. It would be beautiful if we could make this Unified Roadmap a focal point of Zcon 3… So much content could be made just explaining what Zcash Core teams are doing now and what we need help with from the broader “Crypto” “Dev” communities & how they can get paid to contribute.
Im typing this response whilst walking so I apologize for any errors or the tone of haste… I love the Zcash community and what we stand for but so many of the concerns brought up, are legitimate. Rather than pointing fingers, we could really use this time to change the trajectory of Zcash to becoming the engine that powers freedom globally.
@joshs @Dodger could you guys sit down together and get a Unified Roadmap with outlined responsibilities/gaps where ZCG should target Third Party funding? I would love if people like @LeCryptoMath or Zcash Media also join those conversations (In my book they are the second tranche of core teams working on Zcash)… I know everyone is busy but I also know each one of you love Zcash and this is important!