I would like to know what are the best practices for storing seed phrases safely, so that I don’t lose them or have them stolen.
One approach is punching your seed phrase into a steel plate. This is a great overview of tested devices across a range of price points.
take a book, and write it into the book in someway…
for example write a word on each page, but only on every Prime number page write a word from the seed…
this way only you know how to extract the words from the book
make it a little more complex than my example
Sharding your seed phrase and dispatch the different shards around. But not really user friendly to do yet.
A good overall guide:
Password encrypted USB is also useful.
I liked everyone’s ideas.
A post was merged into an existing topic: Beware of scammers!
I didn’t know you could do a Shamir backup with Keystone. Impressive.
Paper lasts longer than electronics. Hardware wallets and USB sticks are not safe for long-term storage. They die. Metal lasts longer than paper! But you have some good quality paper and a pen within 60 seconds of where you’re sitting right now, and you don’t have a metal plate, so go write down your seed words.