Introducing Testnet Edition

Nighthawk Apps is delighted to announce the launch of Testnet Edition! We have developed a comprehensive testnet block explorer specifically designed to streamline the process of working with, building, and automating unit test workflows for Zcash transactions.

In the past, developers had relied on Sochain as a trusted testnet block explorer with open API access. However, to the disappointment of the Zcash community, Sochain discontinued support for Zcash last year, disrupting testnet workflows and hindering the development of essential tools like the xchain.js wallet for Zcash (necessary for Thorchain integration).

While an alternative [from] exists, it comes with limitations. Their API access requires paid plans, and the interface lacks real-time updates, impacting the efficiency of automated Zcash testnet operations.

Recognizing these challenges, Nighthawk Apps has made a significant investment in delivering a public testnet block explorer tailored specifically for Zcash. Our Testnet Edition addresses the pain points faced by developers, offering a seamless and efficient experience for testing transactions on the Zcash network.

Key Features of Testnet Edition [include]:

  • Real-time Updates: Stay up to date with the latest testnet transaction data, ensuring accurate and timely insights for developers.

  • Seamless API Access: Gain unrestricted API access to our testnet block explorer, empowering developers to integrate Zcash functionalities into their projects effortlessly.

  • Enhanced Workflow Automation: Simplify and automate unit test workflows by accessing raw transaction data, enabling developers to build robust applications on the Zcash blockchain with ease.

By providing a dedicated testnet block explorer for Zcash, Nighthawk Apps aims to empower developers and accelerate innovation within the Zcash ecosystem. We welcome requests for opening APIs for specific use cases from the Zcash developers. We believe that by removing barriers and offering a reliable and user-friendly testing environment, we can foster the growth of Zcash applications and contribute to the advancement of the entire community.

Visit today and experience the convenience of exploring testnet transactions on Zcash.


So proud of our platform lead @vamsi and the entire team for delivering the Testnet Block Explorer! Your hard work and dedication have paid off, providing a seamless testing experience for the Zcash community.