Let’s talk about ASIC mining

[quote=“nec, post:5157, topic:27353, full:true”]
there are places on the planet with power excess, power there is literally free.
there are countries with official 0.02$ per kwh or less.[/quote]

What? There is only Venezuela below that level. Just checked the electricity world wide price list and you won’t find another country with 0.02$ per kw/h for sure. And you call me a dreamer, lol? Next cheapest countries are some 0.05$ upwards and even these are only a very view…

But i like that argument. If electricity is that cheap you actually even can continue to mine ZEC with your gpu’s, they are still profitable than :laughing:

[quote=“nec, post:5157, topic:27353, full:true”]
you are the one that said that the amount of power needed for bitcoin mining is just ridiculous. hope you have seen study which showed that bitcoin mining is 10 time less consuming compared to actual mining of the gold (metal for price speculation, almost without use).[/quote]

Gold without use? Dude, inform yourself a bit where gold is used: gold is used in almost every sophisticated electronic device, cell phones, whatever. Saying gold has no use is just nonsens…

[quote=“nec, post:5157, topic:27353, full:true”]
factually almost all your statements from may have fallen.
same result will be with Pos, Poa, whatever else. [/quote]

I guess that’s the reason you can’t invalidate the arguments in favour of PoS. They are wrong just because i wrote them and you believe other. Strong argument to use your wording :slight_smile:

True, i don’t look back.
False, i admit mistakes, my biggest mistake in this topic was indeed to believe that Bitmain will honestly announce batch units. An ever bigger mistake was not to stop earlier buying hardware.
True, when i find something new that looks better, is superior and makes more sense than i’am all for it. And yes, i explain it, because many facts about PoS, PoA, similars are unknown, like superior transactions per second, different designs, and a lot other things. Even in the last topic there has been still a believer that ETH needs 1.500 to stake while it will be 10 ETH. Hence there is need for explainations, obviously.