Let’s talk about ASIC mining

Flypool problem has nothing to do with the ASIC topic. This is simply another problem needing to be addressed with the Zcash network. One which will be made worse with ASIC adoption. People need to stop thinking this is any kind of rebuttal in this conversation. Whenever I see these I flag them for “off topic” as it is simply an attempt to distract.


As long as a certain number of distributed miners are mining, above a certain point, it doesn’t add that much additional decentralization. I don’t know if it’s 1000 miners or 20,000, but there is a point where additional decentralization doesn’t matter.

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Actually it is relevant for anyone mentioning decentralization, which is the argument often made against Bitmain. Flypool has enjoyed above 51% hashpower for some time.

ASICs might actually be helping the dangerous Flypool situation. I’ve noticed the Flypool hashrate dropping.


Well you didn’t answer anything. So if there was no miners at the beginning then zcash would gone.

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I agree with you. What does flypool have to do with the ‘Let’s talk about ASIC mining’ Your just distracting us a way from anything you don’t want use to talk about.

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I’m confused…what exactly does Flypool have to do with ASICs?

As root said to me in a post.

That’s speculation isn’t it? Do we have anything to show that ASIC is pulling down Flypools numbers? Could the ASICs actually use Flypool, or any pool for that matter?

The large non-pool affiliated hashpower that popped up could very well be ASICs. There is no proof either way, but it’s completely possible that ASICs could take away Flypool’s 51% grasp on mining.

Has Flypool done something against the network or is this just an abundance of concern? I didn’t see anything about an attack on Zcash…although I did see something happened at Bitcoin Gold recently.

A lot of censorship going on here! Watch how fast mine will get hidden!

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The only silencing that is happening are posts where the code of conduct is being broken. Please read the code of conduct if you’re unsure about the conduct on this forum:

Let’s keep it professional. Personal attacks don’t add value to this discussion.


(The first story, hmmm)

For many currencies (hopefully ZEC as well) it will never happen because fundamentally it is against the cornerstone philosophy behind decentralized cryptocurrency. Mining is a purposeful design, not a necessary evil. There is a very strong argument that the security provided by Proof of Work cannot be replicated with Proof of Stake but that is a VERY long and deep conversation that would make this thread tiny in comparison.

That is probably a bigger and more heated topic than ASIC-Resistance. I know people have been fighting about that on Etherium forums for over a year now. Most of the real heavy PoS supporters have something to sell you in my opinion (usually their own coin and why it’s different/better than other coins).

PoS is not a bad process, but I am in the camp that no true-trusted premium currency will be PoS. However, I think most minor alt coins would do best to use that system.

I think we will have to see what Ethereum does with the Casper updates.

When Zcash was launched it was claimed their Equihash POW was ASIC resistant, yet this as proved not to be true with a greater than x10 hashrate and power advantage to ASIC compared to commodity hardware implementations, ethash only as about a x2 advantage.

This means their assumptions where faulty and begs the question whether their other Zcash anonymity assumptions are faulty too? Zcash is now highly risky as it appears the developers did not take into account how POW is mapped into hardware, even ethash POW is faulty, most crypto teams don’t understand what a POW is, it does not have to be some mathematical NP complete problem as mapping to hardware should be the main criteria and leveling the playing field with all types of generally available hardware.

I would take Zcash as a technology incubator and not a serious privacy coin now honestly if I were an investor. Also Zooko seems to be narrowly focused, I think there should be another leader to salvage this project, just saying otherwise it is a technology incubator as said before and not a serious privacy coin like Monero now; who have better leadership(guys & girl’s that get it).


I don’t like the idea of “jump ship to another coin”…especially having felt like a direct rivalry between Monero and Zcash for market adoption.
But I do have to admit, they appear to have had their “stuff” together regarding this and several other topics over the last couple months.

While I might not like their method of creating a “privacy” coin, I think their solution to ASICs and Bitmain is spot on. Also, it leaves them room to reevaluate in the future if they decide to change up their approach or stance somehow.

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I like what Dash has been doing as an organization (damn near the official currency of Zimbabwe :smile:), but my view on that has very little to do with the privacy features or PoW (they are run by ASICs as of about a year ago).

HUSH and ZEN both are nice coins, but both could probably be PoS and be just as good of a consideration. I personally only really give Dash, Monero, and Zcash any real consideration as premium privacy coins. Three very different currencies with different approached and mechanisms for “privacy”, market use, and PoW.

I am of the opinion that in a decade or two, only a select few cryptocurrencies (the main premium coins) will be PoW, but that they will act as the frame work for all other cryptocurrencies. I see this being basically 1 currency in each of several specific niche areas (one of which would be Privacy Coins, which is why I back Zcash because I don’t think the others will be “that coin”).

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Someone had a great comment on that a while back but I couldn’t find it.
Basically, every piece of hardware in a GPU rig is generally regulated and rated for safety requirements before ever making it to market (basic things like catching on fire). This is a normal requirement of most retail goods. Of course this only pertains to normal retail hardware, anything can be rigged up beyond normal safety standards.

ASICs, however, are not subject to such ratings and regulation because they are not sold local retail. They are direct order from the manufacturer.

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In addition to the editing of posts (Shawn) and the blatant double talking and walking back on commitment to ASIC resistance (Zooko) It is so sad to see the Zcash team shill for Bitmain now. It is disgusting. This project had so many good people fooled into thinking they were going to contribute to people power and fairness. When you boot up zcashd node software it said " thank you …for contributing to a social good". Ha! It should say …thank you for contributing to Zooko’s net worth.