I’ll find no sympathy in this thread, but boy am I a little disappointed that bitmain is taking their sweet time getting batch one shipped. Inno shipped as soon as they announced it. Z9 may never ROI at this rate
Why devs had to anounce it earlier? Maybe ASIC manufactures should have said their projected effeciency to community or at least devs 6 month ago? Looks stupid, but it’s the best way of coworking with coin that promises ASIC resistance. Maybe devs would choose to resist anyway like Monero’s, but if the effeciency was suitable with some changes in protocol it would be possible to behave like Vitalik(doing nothing with this situation). Also ASICs are not so harmful for Ethereum not only because of low effeciency but also because of huge part of coins in supply and any wouldn’t be able to get too much coins + future hybrid PoW/PoS. For Zcash almost 17 million coins is planned to emit, so ZEC is even more sensible.
P.S The only problem with E3 asic i see is it’s initial price - $800. It means that for Bitmain it’s even cheaper. So it won’t cost too much to get significant hashrate share. But as I’ve mentioned ETH is less sensible.
Most of those PoS specific ones are garbage coins. Because they are traded at a certain price doesn’t mean they are actually worth that price in a real-use adoption situation.
NEO (#12 on market cap) is a great example of this. The crypto of the Chinese government, don’t think for a minute that it isn’t manipulated to the fullest extent and I wouldn’t trust it as far as I could throw it.
On the flip side, Steem (#32 on market cap) is a great example of a real-use adoption coin that is WAY down on the market cap list because it’s more closely tied to the real-use-value without trading manipulation inflating it.
Hybrids are still supported by the decentralized security of PoW. They have significantly more in common with a PoW network than any other PoS network. They should really be viewed as a variant of PoW rather than a variant of PoS.
Actually, it’s a good proof for my words:
I’ve said “majority of profit goes to fair miners” and 98% today and 95% historically is an overwhelming majority.
Also using my previous calculations and this article 2% of Monero’s hashrate means ~50000 Intel cores are used in botnets, which is not a big price for true decentralisation driven by another 98% hashrate.
The statement, that Monero is bad because of it’s botnets is simillar to “Tor, it’s hidden(.onion) services and anonymous cryptos are bad because drug dillers use them”.
I agree to most, but have in mind that POS is more or less in the beginning. Things will change, i’am absolutly sure that POS over mid/long term will become the most used setup for most real coins/projects.
I’am not saying exactly like it is now, but eventually with notarious chain implented, or whatever new extras are coming.
Pretty sure that a lot of devs, even after stuying that 51% paper, will go towards POS … Absolutly confident that in 1 - 2 years the majority will have some kind of POS/hybrid/similar setup.
Not really:
1.) Monero is knowingly tolerating it, even fine with it as it seems…
2.) Botnets get their cash/reward directly from Monero, Thor doesn’t pay any drug dealer anything…
3.) Thor doesn’t make profit like Monero makes Profit form the Botnets …
So comparing Thor with Monero is absolutyly out of line. You must search better for a validity of that. Actually whatever you find, there is nothing that excuses criminal behavour, tolerating and/or supporting it. Period. As soon as you knowingly do only one of these you are a crimer supporter in my opinion.
I have many coins but i never ever would touch Monero, what’s left for taking it as a good example management/community/ideology…
I don’t see how botnets are relevant to the debate about Zcash. If Equihash is tweaked to require more memory (possibly 3 gb+), then botnets almost certainly won’t be an issue.
If you’re suggesting that ASICs are essential to getting rid of botnets, then that is entirely false.
nope, it isn’t really related to zcash but it was more a side discussion related to some earlier today volume/price compare btw. monero/bitcoin/zcash/dash/ethereum/ and somehow we got there. Absolutly not related neither to Asics, nor to Zcash.
I agree most projects will go PoS but I believe every one of those will be based off development of a couple primary PoW coins. My big desire is to see ZEC as one of those primary coins rather than find itself dependent upon the development of another project.
I don’t think any major “coins” will be PoS in the long run, just niche specific projects and programs.
edit: I should clarify that I think the majority of crypto (99%) will be those “niche specific projects and programs” but they will not be the majority of the market cap itself.
If numbers are as in article sent here by amanalar ( Around 5% of All Monero Currently in Circulation Has Been Mined Using Malware ), it’s OK for Monero to tolerate it: 2% don’t harm the network. It’s decentralized network. They may resist botnets only by harming fair CPU miners. And you can’t deny that Monero is one of the most CPU-friendly coins. Being CPU-friendly helps in spreading. Actions like hope page give almost free advertisment of Monero. It has low entry costs, so that a lot of people try mining and using it. By the way if you can profit from your CPU, why you believe that anyone won’t try to do the same using your CPU. It’s essensial for user to protect himself and if he becomes more educated about computer protection after being infected by mining malware it’s much better than by getting infected by WannaCry or so.
I suspect the account that is getting most of the recent blocks (Accounts - Zchain) could probably have 90% of the Zcash hashrate if it wanted to. They seem to come and go. They find blocks so quickly when they are on that their hashrate has to be much higher than Flypool’s.
This account probably belongs to Innosilicon or Bitmain, and they can’t afford to mine too much because the difficulty will rise and they won’t be able to sell as many ASICs for $10,000.
1.) Innosicicons 50k Sol Asic Mining Pool. That pool showed up as soon as Innosilicon announced their 50k Miner. Pretty sure it’s an Asic Pool and it’s most likely it’s Innosilicon.
2.) Asicminer 40k by Asicminer Pool. Another Asic Producer than announced shipping it’s units in July. It’s possible they are “testing” them now. The 2nd most likely scenario in my opinion.
3.) Bitmain testing a 40k Z9 miner (not mini). I personally think it’s a bit soon for it, but you never know. It’s the 3rd most likely option but in my opinion not very likely.
4.) A new Asic Player on equihash. In such case my bet would go on Baikal, eventually Halong. We have no evidience about a new player but it’s stil a possibility of course.
5.) When the pool was smaller in the beginning i thought it could be even a new Nicehash Cloud, but with that hashrate by now this is no longer a valid assumption/option in my opinion.
To/for Foundation/ZcashCo:
Me personally is fine when a new producer “tests” his units like the Z9 mini on that secret/private Antpool than back and the hashrate stays low as it was <10%.
Now, this t1XE1kWtsZAemy123KCcv2z3Fonbksnupka pool is a total different story. It went up in about 7 - 10 days to the main pool and we do NOT know who it is actually but only have guesses.
This gets even for my own taste and principal Asic support to far. Having a 10%+ unknown pool is concerning in my opinion, even more if it goes near 50%.
I suggest that Zcash FORCES hidden/secret pools that go over a certain level of % of hashrate (this is up to discussion, but i suggest 10 - 20% at most) to unhide/reveal their identity and even to clearly force them to lower their hashrate so it’s again in a 10-20% (as example) range at most.
I think this can be easy done by contacting the main suspect Asic producers and just declare that in case they do not follow this guideline/reavling identity Zcash is taking measures to emergency alter/tweak the Algo/softfork/hardfork, whatever fits better.
Really happy, that even former ASIC defender understand the threat. But mining hardware manufacturers have shown that they will do everything for profit: mine with huge hashrate but low persent of time just to ensure privateness and with smaller hashrates 24/7. Even one ASIC manufacturer behaving in such way is enough to terrorize network. This hidden pool is a terrorist, and according to modern policy of terrorism resistance Zcash Co or Foundation should not negotiate with them.