Let’s talk about ASIC mining

The objective word was goal.

Doesn’t change anything, it still would leave Innosilicon and Asicminer with 0% shares

:point_right:t4: Reminder, if you have questions you want to put to the Zcash project and third-parties involved in mining, please add them to this thread:


I will tell you how it will be. zcache developers wait for 2-3 batch and they will just say

no fork → now they afraid do that
because hushpower will down if all GPU and nicehush miners leave zec pool this coin can die… its one
there is one way to check that I am right on 24.06 fom 00 to 23:59 we should all change our GPU to other coins and see that I’m right

(developers) that they will not do best 4 the coin only 4 himself

I vote 4 fork because asic create china control zec area just like in bitcoin and others coin with asic manufacters have own big pools in china.

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No matter if you vote. You’ll lose. They don’t care. The decision was made a while ago. There just wasting time. There just like governments don’t care after you help them and just give us our money!

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10k units is 150MH/s. How does that takeover 100%? Its just 25-30%.

A lot of the Equihash ASIC are currently mining Bitcoin Gold, once that forks to 144.5 then it’s logical to expect them to point to ZEC, so either way in July ZEC specific difficulty is going to shoot up hitting profits. I’ll be moving my GPU rigs onto 144.5 at that point.

I did it month ago. Goodbye Zcash. Hope soon zcash will change their position and will back to gpu-miners.


Why would they care…they made a lot off money with 20% fee for them …they are busy spending their money …for all off us mining ZEC with GPU and trusting it and keeping we are left with debt for running costs.
This is zero sum game…for someone to make a lot off money many have to lose a money.

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Your calculation won’t work for serveral reasons:
1.) Nicehash Miners don’t decide where to mine, but nicehash does it, or better the buyers of Nicehash hashpower
2.) The more gpu miners leave at the moment, the more auto-multi pool miners will fill the gap and/or nicehash traffic.
3.) Maybe you missed it, but there is allready a bigger hashrate on the ZEC network provided by Asics.
4.) I guess most Batch 1 units from Bitmain will be arrive Monday, my guess is about 1.000 Units, which of course will be this coming week on the equihash network…

Too make it short, the “let’s leave all and the coin will die” threat will never work …

Anybody making or going into debts with mining, hardware, electricity, trading, speculating is taking a way to high risk. If your crypto business is based on debts better bail out and sell your hardware while it’s still at a good price …

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What do you guys think? 50Kh/s ASIC

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One man owns 1/10th of ZEC network due to access to ASIC which everyone does not have access to @boxalex see where this is going.

Poll state you reasons in reply to this

Question: Why are ZcashCo so unethical?
Description: During launch ZEC Equihash POW ASIC resistant now not so much.

I agree that it’s more comfortable for a group of people if there is not a different opinion on given matters. If it’s that what you need you should create a closed forum for your group where only same minded people can enter and everybody is restricted to 1 post per day.

I meanwhile enjoy the freedom of posting whenever i feel like doing so, if you like it or not isn’t actually my problem but yours.

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Support the POS idea and 100% have acess which i personally think it’s the best way anyway for 99.9999% of all projects and me personally hopes that Zcash switches to POS in the near/mid future like many other coins.
Than nobody has to worry anymore about high gpu prices or access to Asics which i totally agree is no way perfect currently, hence why i’am all for POS…

The only problem with POS is that it will double the founders reward if they choose to hold and stake.

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One perspective on the ASIC issue is that it is a natural evolution. How are the ASIC vs. GPU rigs any more unfair than the GPU vs CPU evolution. I remember the days of CPU mining and the GPU guys left me and my lame laptop in the dust.

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Very simple. Cpu’s and gpu’s and even your laptop can be bought through out most of the world in brick and mortar stores! But your beloved Asic cannot be bought through out most of the world in brick and mortar stores! :thinking:

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You can even buy gpus by the plane load. Now that’s decentralization.

And with a switch to POS neither someone has to buy Asics, nor to buy a GPU, even more easier as all you need is a laptop/PC/cell phone and install a wallet. Even no store and nor investment needed, perfect end solution with some good tweaking…