@root Sure, the amount of miners switching will be less if there are no longer any GPU miners. Since GPU miners have moved on from ZEC the majority of network hash rate will be represented by ASICS. As long as there is another equihash coin that supports ASICS and whose value matches or exceed ZEC miners are going to switch. When these ASIC miners switch to a different coin it will cause a much larger variance in network hash rate and difficulty. This is why your assertion that ASICS improve security/stability is flawed. You really need to stop making unfounded claims in order to support you’re opinion that ASICS are best for the future of ZEC.
I vote to ban Asics from our network. Zcash will loose many of the miners, and centralization will grow with Asics. I think that banning Asics is for the best!
Unknown pool has now 400mh or 2.5 times more then flypool or 50% off Zcash network …but this $$ loving people will say how that is also good
Here it comes! Good, fair, secure network!
Where is your source?
U still mine this s…t coin ? time to change on something better asic resistant
I vote not to ban the ASICs.
1: Its the free market.
2: More coins and profits generate from ASICs, it will let more people join the market. More people join the market , can let the Cryptographic market growth further more!
I got many friend who start joining the Cryptographic currency market by buying the ASICs because the ASICs can make profit for them. ASICs is the most easy way for them to join the market. They don’t know how to set the graphic card to mine. If no ASICs, they will definitely not join the Cryptographic market.
Just imagin the first day, first peroid of BTC, if the network hardfork any of the profit making computer or ASICs, will it bomb the market like today?
If anyone can confirm the ASICs is damaging the Cryptographic market by valid proof in the future, we should discuss this topic again at that time. But the ASICs definitely help the Cryptographic market growing at this moment!!! Its let more people willing to join and discuss the Cryptographic market.
It’s also the “free market” to keep the proof of work algorithm up to date. If someone makes custom hardware that can’t cope with this change, then too bad for them. This is the free market in action.
ASICs might be easier to set up, but that doesn’t mean they are more accessible that GPUs. Here are a few reasons: ASICs are harder to buy and are sold with no refund policies, ASICs are incredibly loud and unusable at home, ASICs have lower profitability for the vast majority of their lifespan, and ASICs have much lower resale value than GPUs. The end result is that ASIC mining is a far less appealing investment than GPU mining, and more people will end up supporting GPU mining networks than ASIC networks.
I’ll repeat again: There is nothing good about ASIC mining unless you are an ASIC manufacturer.
u forgot that all asics are used since the manufacture premined with them before sell off/shipment
and thats basically the main problem …huge hashrates going to one side
There will be no more coins, the coinrate is fixed.
And your friends will have to be willing to step into a weaponsrace, and the ones now on the market, I must admit, are doable in a home envirement, the next big generation wont, the will be as loud as asics in general are. Have fun with that in your house. And you have to, if you still want to make a little money , and I mean, little money.
If what you say is real. There already no need to ban the ASICs as they will finally become no value to all invester by your statement. If no one invest ASICs, no one will manufacturing it eventually as well.
The fact happen to all people around me: they start joining this markey by investing their first ASICs.
No matter the machine can bring them profit or not, at least its bring people in the pool.
And i ask you, what the easy way you can draw people attention and let them willing to join this market right now?
Everything has the pros and cons.
Just take the side with more value.
More people join the market is the most important thing to this market right now.
If those people realize the nature of the game, and they lose their investment within a month or two, they gone forever.
Don’t feel pity for the GPU miners, in the long run we will see. Btg is forking away from asic, let’s see how that works out.
Who says people need to buy ASICs for them to be profitable for the companies that make them? The companies can just mine with the ASICs themselves.
@Horace I believe you’re asking what we can due to get people interested in ZCash and thus get to the ultimate goal of total adoption. It’s my opinion that we need to change ZCash’s algorithm so that anyone and everyone can mine ZCash on as many types of hardware as possible, ie. “leveling the playing field”. As you’ve already stated, the technical knowledge that one must have to participate in ZCash at the moment is fairly high. Running an ASIC in many ways is much more simplistic for the average user. The other ways folks get involved with ZCash at the moment are through academic studies and trading on the exchanges.
What if we took that concept one step further and made it possible for mobile phones to mine? Video Game Consoles? etc? I’m of the opinion that ZCash should not resist ASICS or any hardware technology. I think that its good to include as many different types of hardware as possible because it allows for anyone to get involved with ZCash, hopefully today and with absolutely no investment cost. This brings us much closer to the ultimate goal of ZCash being adopted as a day to day currency.
You see for ZCash to be successful long term, we need to stop focusing on the short term gratifications of the small gains. We need to be focusing on solving the problem of how to involve as many people as possible in ZCash, whether that be through academics, mining, or currency trading. Until there’s an enormous community, its going to be hard to convince a large amount of merchants to support ZCash, never mind the world to adopt it as day to day currency.
In your post everything is wrong…and you dont need need to ban ASIC… …but you can make ASIC and GPU more equal (like ETH ) …but Zcash devs have made it to heavily favor ASIC…they had some secret deal because they keep parameters that heavily favor ASIC .
And you cant use ASIC in home use …maybe only this first gen that will be fastly electronic junk .
Have you ever sit near Bitman DASH miner …its loud as airplane when taking off and makes ZERO $ …who normal in the world would ever keep that in his home.
ASIC only is good for few…ASIC manufacturers and few others. …but not for 99.99999% off people.
That’s the pure and simple truth.
I would’ve prefered to keep ASIC resistant, but with the information avaialbe it’s kinda pointless to countinue fighting for something that has been decided (not talking about you, but users in general).
Adaption is key if you want to survive the crypto wild west.
Personal suggestion for the GPU miners → sell your hardware till it’s worth it. 600$ for a 1 year old 1080ti is really a good deal and you won’t have any hassle selling them.
1080 → 400$, 1070ti → 350$, 1070 → 300-250$, 1060 → 150$
I’m really not a fan of Nvidia after the bank robbery they pulled this year.
Stifling innovation, should nvidia hardcode a speedlimit into every GPU. Even future GPUs? Just so we can all be on “equal” footing?
Bank Robery…you know how much that Z9 that bitmain sold you for 2000$ costed them to produce…i think not more then 70$…even use prehistoric SDRAM for GPU memory on 180 mhz and its probably used ram because no one produce it for ages .
And its pointless here to argue because Zcash used parameters to be specifically on ASIC…everything they sad in inicial post they did totally opposite…that is call SCAM …because many people maybe invest based on what Zcash team wrote.