This article is why I feel its a buzzword… Anything that has any real value will always have an asic produced for it IMO… Whether it be in secret or in mass… Sure said project might just fork it off but I believe there is no algo safe from eventual asic production…
That’s exactly the article that made me realize that the future lies in different POS designs … Perfect asic resistance
It’s absolutly ok to have BTC on POW and on asics or on atom reactors if they please because it’s just … Bitcoin. For every other project i have my doubts asic’s will bring much good but that’s just my point of view today.
IF you like Monero or not someone must just admit that the last 12 months they did obviously a better job for the XMR holders/believers/investors/fans …
Im not saying they have not done a good job about forking but I just wonder how long they will keep up the effort of forking just to keep the ASICs off… Or are they eventually possibly years down the road just going to give in to them? My point of view may be incorrect but my outlook on GPU only coins are they are a hobbist coin and i see things that are ASIC coins as something more serious… But that again is only my personal opinion and no one has to agree with that at all…
Ohh yes, you are absolutely right, daily active adress chart shows how huge zcash has become with asics.
how long you will dodge the reality?
20 Characters
Another zec/btc 1-year new low.
We should do something to stop gpu miner dumping zec price.
Adopt asic-friendly algorithm , we will make zec great again.
Zcash isn’t mined by GPU’s anymore its mined by ASICs.
I absolutly understand where you are coming from and these are exactly my thoughts i had 1 year ago, 1:1.
I absolutly understand the feeling that gpu mining at home or as a hobby doesn’t sound professional, and i absolutly admit i still have my problems with this and i can’t deny that it somehow doesn’t fit into a multi-billion dollar project, but that might be subjective and my own psyology mistake. Absolutly possible after i had to admit it was a mistake to support asics as well.
Once i honestly for my own analyzed what happened about 6 months ago i just realized that asics can’t be the solution either and that the gpu mining, at least temporary would have been better.
- We would have fairer ZEC mining. I think there is really no doubt about this one today.
- We would have a bigger community, again something i think there shouldn’t be even a doubt.
- We would have less geographical mining decentralization, even gpu’s would as well lead to such, just at a much lower pace.
- We wouldn’t have sponsored our own competition (Innosilicon/Bitmain), not that sponsoring Nvidia/AMD is very good, but it’s preverable.
- We would had at least a chance to ROI outside china. No garantee, but at least a chance. With the asics it’s clear today that everybody with electricity prices over 8 cents (at best) just won’t ROI there investment into asic hardware and electricity. Hoping a miracle price increase will fix this problem doesn’t make things better.
- In generally we would mostly have a higher attack cost. While i still agree that a sudden every gpu can jump on other coin/algo which is as well a security risk. So here we would have with a higher attack cost versus more possible available hashpower versus today way less attack cost versus less possible available hashpower. I’am not going to decide what’s better, in both cases it’s a trade off deal.
- From my todays point of view and the huge impact the ZEC inflation rate has i’am pretty sure gpu mining would have been the better choice, at least until the next halving or maybe even 2 halvings.
- Than i realized something that when you change something it has to improve really much more or it isn’t worth the risk/unknown that may come with it. In the meaning with the gpu miners ZEC was doing good.At the point that asics have been accepted we didn’t really know where we are going, just hope things would improve and if we are honest, they didn’t improve. It wasn’t easy for me either to admit asics are a fail approach while owning over 100 myself.
- From a pure business point of view it might have been better that ECC dictate the path where to go and not just and only adapt to it. For example the ECC company was in the best position to force Innosilicon/Bitmain to disclose their own hashrates, number of produced units, planned units or whatever not, they didn’t, just adopted and lost in my opinion authority.
- Loss of reputation somehow. If we read other coin forums you might see how Zcash is threatend today.
Now what did we get with asics? Honestly?
- Some questionable network security trade off (less attack cost for at least now less available hashrate).
- a nice thank you from Bitmain/Innosilcon for purchasing their overprized soon to be useless $200 junk.
- ???
Pretty sure this was a sarcastic remark …
Very very well thought out response and I respect it greatly. I was starting to think the same thing but wasn’t 100% sure on if he was serious or not
Don’t forget FPGA’s…which already exist for X16R.
Maybe off-topic but found interesting thread, I guess it’s due to ASIC
Most of the zcash hater are fraud victim.
They trust the lie of asic-resistant,and they lost their money.
Zcash “never” said they would remain ASIC free. A person choose an algorithm that they believed would be impossible to create an ASIC for. Experts in the field gave advice that it was possible for it to be done with enough time and money thrown at it.
If you have proof of your statement then you can file a class action lawsuit and win, since none exists you can not because its just your opinion and not fact.
No fraud, and no one lost money because Zcash has ASIC’s. People may have lost value because of the market, but so did 100% of every other cryptocoin.
Hello, here is your proof: Why Equihash? - Electric Coin Company
Keywords in those sentences are Think & May meaning nothing was ever truly promised.
First I want to say WELCOME!!! to the forums, and as @Hannibal pointed out in the post below. I also want to throw in the words “It looks like” and " We may change" to his post. Lawyer writing (CYA (cover your arse)) at its best.
Also to what @Nefrian wrote, it so has been discussed, debated, tempers flared, even Thanos tried to snap his fingers to prove we had been duped/defrauded/lied to; without success.
no surprise with such lawyers zooko does not even have to explain the biggest loss amongst other top crypto coins, to some lazy and not very smart in terms of law investors.
you see, key words are “it looks like” and “we may”.
how far can you go, asic-brothers?
Typical Reply Of Left Lobbyist
Thank you for the welcome. I do not think the website will hold up in court but why even include this passage at all, in hindsight that part turned out to be misleading to miners. I think you are right to feel betrayed if you do feel that way.