March 2, 2018 - Weekly update

1.0.15 & Overwinter
We finally got 1.0.15 out the door! Here’s the release announcement which details the changes in this release. It mostly focuses on implementing Overwinter code and an activation height for testnet (207500) but also includes a new experimental feature, z_mergetoaddress, which simplifies the process of combining many small UTXOs and notes into a few larger ones.

We also officially announced Overwinter and hope that our communications about what users and developers should expect are clear. Let us know if there’s something that doesn’t get covered properly or is confusing! The announcement links to the Overwinter information portal which should have all the resources necessary to understand the upgrade.

The next release, 1.1.0, is planned to introduce an activation block height for Overwinter on the main network if all testing and auditing goes well over these next several weeks. You can keep track of the 1.1.0 release in the associated milestone. We also keep a separate milestone for infrastructure changes so we’re not doing infrastructure updates while also putting out a release.

There’s been a lot of onboarding work for the new engineers including their getting set up in the new headquarters in Denver. We’re still waiting on some bios/headshots for updating the team page and once ready, we can announce them a bit more officially. We’re also looking at an additional 3 engineers to join the team and are close to narrowing on a Marketing Officer hire so expect some ongoing onboarding and adjustments as our team size grows pretty drastically.
Community update
I’m also hoping to start including some community related updates for a more general “Zcash Team update” rather than being development only. For now, I’ll say that this week a few of us participated in the Financial Cryptography ‘18 event for which we also sponsored. We’re also sponsoring a few upcoming student hackathons, the one we’ve confirmed is Hack In the North 3.0.

We’re also sponsoring 75 students to attend Consensus who wouldn’t otherwise afford a ticket. Spread the word if you know blockchain interested grads or undergrads!

Finally, we’re especially excited to invite Zcash community members who read these updates regularly to the first Zcash conference in Montreal this June. Zcon0, organized by the Zcash Foundation.

Why: This inaugural event aims to encourage collaboration of privacy projects inside and beyond the Zcash ecosystem in a focused setting and to scale future events as the community grows.

What: A three day conference for people who are working on building the privacy infrastructure for the public good, broken into three tracks: (1) Zcash today, tomorrow and beyond; (2) Privacy tech in other cryptocurrencies and applications; (3) Community and governance

Since Zcon0 is an intimate event, we ask if you are interested in attending Zcon0 to please fill out this application to be formally invited.

And that about wraps it up for this week!


I was happy to see that a Zcash conference is going to take place, but very sad that there is no mention of the fact that this (the fee for the conference itself, not including hotel/travel) can not be paid for with Zcash. For brevity I will stop here.

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Oh, it shouldn’t be a problem to accept Zcash for ticket sales. No one is buying tickets yet anyways so we have time to clarify that. Thanks for the reminder, though.


ZEC 2018年3月2日 - 每周更新







新员工的入职工作很多,包括他们在丹佛的新总部工作。我们仍然在等待一些bios / headshots更新团队页面,一旦准备就绪,我们可以更正式地宣布它们。我们还在寻找另外3名工程师加入该团队,并且正接近缩小营销官员的聘用范围,因此随着团队规模急剧增长,我们期待着一些持续的入职和调整。


我们还赞助了一些即将到来的学生黑客马拉松,我们已经证实的是Hack In the North 3.0。



会议内容:为公众利益建立隐私基础设施的人们举办为期三天的会议,分为三个方面:(1)Zcash今天,明天和未来; (2)其他加密货币和应用中的隐私技术; (3)社区与治理


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Forgive the dumb question but on the sign-up page, how should a regular user like me fill out the required Affiliation field?

Maybe something like “Long-time Zcash community member [link to forum profile]”. :slight_smile:

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Submitted! Would be great to take part.

Hoping to be able to go also! I am currently in school for information security and forensics! Cool stuff!