Moving the Dev Fund discussion forward

There will be a poll (actually, likely multiple polls) of ZCAP.

The first poll could look something like this.

NB: This forum poll is purely a strawman proposal to stimulate discussion and invite feedback regarding how a ZCAP poll might be structured. You can vote in this poll if you like but your votes will be public, and the results will not be in any way binding.

Q1: What percentage of new ZEC issuance should be allocated to a new Dev Fund?
  • 0% (i.e. there should be no new Dev Fund)
  • 0-15% (i.e. more than 0% but less than 15%)
  • 15%
  • 15-20%
  • 20%
  • 20-23%
  • 23%
  • More than 23%
0 voters

Unless a clear majority of respondents voted for one of the single options (i.e. 0%, 15%, 20% or 23%), this poll question would serve to narrow down the options that would be presented in a second poll.

Q2: How long should the new Dev Fund last?
  • 1 year
  • 2 years
  • 3 years
  • 4 years
0 voters

Again, if there is no clear “winner”, the option(s) with the lowest support could be dropped in a subsequent poll.

Q3: Should Dev Fund recipients’ allocations reduce over time, with the balance allocated to the Sustainability Fund (assuming it’s approved and deployed) or to an Unissued Reserve, as proposed by GGuy?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

@GGuy: We would need to link to a description of just the declining issuance element of your proposal, which would need to describe how it would interact with the issuance smoothing proposed as part of the ZSF.

Q4: Which organisations and programs should receive a slice of the Dev Fund?
  • Bootstrap / ECC
  • Financial Privacy Foundation
  • Shielded Labs
  • Zcash Community Grants program
  • Zcash Foundation
  • Zechub
0 voters

Have I missed anyone off that list?

The organisations/programs that garner >50% approval could then progress to the next stage, which would be to determine how the new Dev Fund should be split.

Anyone who wants to express support for a specific proposal would vote as follows:

GGuy’s proposal Noamchom’s proposal JGx7’s proposal Josh Swihart’s proposal
Answer to Q1: 23% 15% 20% 20%
Answer to Q2: ? 4 years 4 years(?) 1 year
Answer to Q3: Yes No No No
Answer to Q4: Bootstrap / ECC, ZCG, ZF, QEDIT Bootstrap / ECC, ZCG, ZF, QEDIT, Shielded Labs Bootstrap / ECC, ZCG, ZF, QEDIT Bootstrap / ECC, ZCG, ZF

The same poll would likely include questions that ask

  • whether the community approves of adding ZSAs to the Zcash protocol (and there may be some additional questions relating to ZSA issuance and transaction fees), and
  • whether the community approves of the various elements of the proposed Zcash Sustainability Fund:
    • smoothing issuance,
    • issuing all unissued ZEC into a ZSF pool that changing the way unissued ZEC is accounted for so that the unissued balance (ZSF_BALANCE) can be added to (e.g. by GGuy’s proposal), and
    • diverting a % of transaction fees to the ZSF pool be added to ZSF_BALANCE.

@aquietinvestor: Does that cover the different aspects of the ZSF proposal?

Depending on the outcome of this first poll (e.g. this might all be moot if everyone votes for 0%!), a subsequent poll would seek to:

  • reach consensus on the size and duration of any new Dev Fund,
  • determine how the Dev Fund should be split amongst the recipients,
  • confirm the details of declining issuance (if it’s approved),
  • decide how the ZCG/Major Grants program should evolve (if it’s selected as a Dev Fund recipient), and
  • cover off any other Dev Fund-related details, such as
    • strengthening the requirement that any software whose development is funded by the Dev Fund be released under the Apache and MIT licenses (to avoid any future BOSL-style debacle),
    • clarifying and strengthening the Transparency & Accountability requirements to avoid a situation where a recipient promises to publish the relevant information but then refuses to do so, or disputes the definition of what’s required by the ZIP, and
    • anything else that arises from the results of the previous poll.

As I’ve stated above, this is a strawman proposal. It’s not intended to be perfect and final. It’s intended to invite constructive feedback. ZF has been criticised in the past for the wording of ZCAP polls; this is me listening to that criticism and trying to do better by making the process of designing these polls more open and collaborative.