Hi @Dodger. Thank you for posting this straw man proposal and for your willingness to design the poll in an open and collaborative manner.
Shielded Labs has decided not to pursue funding from the Dev Fund and will continue operating as an independent, donations-based organization. I will make a formal announcement in the next week or two, but wanted to give you a heads up so that Shielded Labs is not included as an option when you poll ZCAP.
I think it’s premature to poll ZCAP about the individual components of the Zcash Sustainability Fund. We are only halfway through development and are still in the process of building consensus. Additionally, I would prefer the ZSF not be included in a poll about the Dev Fund to avoid potential confusion, as the ZSF is not directly related to the Dev Fund.
This description inaccurately portrays the modification to the issuance mechanism. All unissued ZEC is not issued into a pool. Rather, it remains unissued and is accounted for according to the consensus rules.