Moving the Dev Fund discussion forward

ZF plans to open the first poll of ZCAP on this theme of seeking consensus early next week.

Note that this process is not intended to preclude or discourage the community from working towards implementing a new development funding model (such as Josh’s Zcash Funding Bloc proposal) in the future. It is simply intended to assess community sentiment regarding what should happen in November.

In the past, some community members have expressed concern that ZCAP poll questions were unclear or ambiguous. Therefore, we are explicitly inviting feedback on any concerns about clarity or ambiguity with the following questions.

Q1: What percentage of new ZEC issuance should be allocated to a new Dev Fund?

  • 0% (i.e. there should be no new Dev Fund)
  • 0-15% (i.e. more than 0% but less than 15%)
  • 15%
  • 15-20%
  • 20%
  • 20-23%
  • 23%
  • More than 23%

To ensure that respondents who believe that there should not be a new Dev Fund are able to express that view, 0% has been included in the list of responses.

Unless a clear majority of respondents vote for one of the single options (i.e. 0%, 15%, 20% or 23%), this poll question would serve to narrow down the options that would be presented in a second poll.

Q2: How long should the new Dev Fund last?

  • 1 year
  • 2 years
  • 3 years
  • 4 years

As with the first question, if there is no clear “winner”, the option(s) with the lowest support could be dropped in a subsequent poll.

Q3: Should Dev Fund recipients’ allocations reduce over time, with the balance allocated to an Unissued Reserve, as proposed by GGuy?

GGuy has suggested that the amount allocated to each Dev Fund recipient should follow a declining schedule, with the surplus funds allocated to an Unissued Reserve, that can only be issued through community consensus.

Q4: Which organizations and programs should receive a slice of the Dev Fund?

  • Bootstrap / ECC
  • Financial Privacy Foundation
  • Zcash Community Grants program
  • Zcash Foundation
  • Zechub

Respondents will be able to select up to six options for this question. Organizations may be removed from this list before the poll if they indicate that they do not wish to receive a slice of the Dev Fund (as Shielded Labs have already indicated).