My new gig with ECC

Hey Zcash family!

In the interest of transparency I wanted to let everyone know I have started a part-time gig with ECC as a contract consultant.

As you know the team is focused on getting ECC rebooted to drive Zcash adoption. I’ll be meeting with Chris, Paul, and Josh on a weekly basis to help provide an overview on what’s going on in various Zcash community channels like this forum, Twitter, Telegram, Reddit, Bluesky, etc. The purpose is to help make sure concerns and feedback from all the various community channels don’t get overlooked.

This will also help ECC to plan and release communications that address community ideas, feedback, and questions.

With that in mind there is a new handle here on the forum: @ElectricCoinCo. @adjychris and I will watch this handle for pings and chatter. Please feel free to @ it with general ECC-related questions like roadmap, strategy, priorities, etc. DMs to that handle won’t be replied to.

This doesn’t mean that other ECC team members will stop engaging on these channels. Their insight and input are extremely valuable, and they will continue to take part in community conversations.

I’m happy to be able to help ECC as they focus on how to move Zcash forward.

Onward and Upward :rocket:


very happy to read that! can’t think of another person that fits better for that job than you @Shawn




Congrats and good luck!


Hey Shawn! Great news, congrats!


This is very good news!!! Congratulations on your return. The zcash community needs you :slight_smile:


very cool. congrats!


Excellent, great to see ECC taking more steps to listen to community feedback, and no better person than Shawn to be a voice of the community, good luck with the role.


I hope you try free2z sometime and give us some feedback :crying_cat_face:

@skyl I have been on Free2Z several times, and tuned into the Livestream too.

It’s a pretty awesome platform. I do include it in my “rounds” of places to check for what’s happening in the community, along with ZecHub.


Hey man, just fooling around. Reddit and Bluesky are particularly nauseating to me :face_vomiting:. I get a lot of my news from free2z now and I guess I miss a lot since people are posting to disgraceful places lol. Anyways, congrats on the spot and hope to see some essays and announcements on f2z. I’ve got one brewing that has taken a while, working title: “Zcash’s trillion dollar niche.” Maybe I’ll get around to publishing it. I was hoping to get it out before Zeboot … anyhoo, onward :rocket:


I’m pretty much platform agnostic really, I go wherever the Zcash community likes to talk.

As we progress further in the year and things like the ECC roadmap, Zashi, Zcashd → Zebra, etc… are released I’m sure we will see a lot more community chatting. It’s a bit slow right now on all the channels because there’s not a ton to discuss.


what do u mean ECC is releasing a roadmap?
didnt that happen a couple years ago with the 30 year roadmap blog post from @joshs ??

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Different era


Very belated congratulations!!


Congrats and good luck!

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any specific roadmap updates gonna come out related to the DevFund decision?
congrats to all for getting the job done in time for NU6 :rocket::rocket::rocket:

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Are you asking how the lack of direct funding affects our roadmap?

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It’s so good hearing community! :ear: :clap:

Thanks all for the congratulations!

I’ve now been consulting for ECC since February and my contract is coming to an end.

I’m really grateful for having the opportunity to work with @joshs @adjychris @paulbrigner @andrea and others at ECC on several projects including:

  • The launch of Zashi
  • Setting up the official ECC Discord
  • Helping build the Zcash Ad Hoc Caucus
  • Working with the team to provide a different perspective on feedback from here on the forum and other social media
  • Keeping my eyes and ears open to community sentiment (good and bad) about ECC.
  • Working with Chris on various blog posts and marketing strategies for Zashi and ECC

It’s been an honor to see the team on a weekly basis and I’m really glad the major hurdle of selecting a dev fund structure has been resolved. I feel grateful that they allowed me to be a voice in the room even if they didn’t always agree with my suggestions. :wink:

It’s been a great time and I have renewed respect for the work that ECC does and I have renewed optimism for the future of Zcash.

Onwards and upwards! ᙇ🚀