My thoughts on the dev fund and Zodler meme

I mean local f(x). so 1 euro or 1 USD or 1 Yen.

I wish this movement understood its customers. You want to tell me what money is. And you dont want to listen to the customer. If you listen to the Brazil talk on Zecon, he clearly says retailers dont want ZEC. They want stable money. If you look at AMP, they understand the customer. They let people spend in crypto. But the people accepting the money (local retailers) want the local currency. And AMP does it in a really cool way.

Just 5 minutes ago I had a text chain with a person from XYZ Country who does some work for me. Guess what he is asking for out of the blue (I pay him on upwork now)? He is asking for USDT!!!

START - From today (about 15 min ago)

Can you get paid on out here ? Without upowrk ?

ME [10:13 AM]


Him [10:14 AM]

with payment tool can you use maybe payoneer work? or somewhat?


paypal…not sure about payoneer

Him [10:18 AM]

do you handle USDT coin as well ? (edited)

Me 10:19 AM

No. Paypal easy and fast. Payoneer not so easy to use for me.

ME [10:19]

maybe in future

Him [10:20 AM]

Can you do the direct deposit as well ?


Some important things to notice
a) He is not asking for Bitcoin
b) He is not asking for Euro or anything else

He wants USD. You are not understand your customer if you want private money. I am trying to make this about privacy for all. So if he wants Euro, Yen, or whatever, I dont care. Just make it private. I dont want you telling me what money is. I think I understand it pretty well.

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I did a little more digging and I think the discussion speaks for itself. Now, this is one person. But its an honest answer and I believe one that extends to a very very broad cross section of the world.

Me [11:11 AM]

Just curious, why don’t you ask for Bitcoin as payment?

Him [11:26 AM]

USDT is very stable. so far, I received thousands $ to previous clients


Thanks. That is what I thought. But, we have a debate as to why people use Bitcoin. If you had to choose between a very stable USDT and everyone can see your transactions on the blockchain or Bitcoin and no one could see the transaction, would that change your mind?

Im just thinking from a person who has the choice the accepting USDT or Bitcoin. Does privacy matter to you or stability?

Him [12:29 PM]

I am just received USDT because clients will send me. I could exchange USDT to USD easily after receiving . that’s all

well. I am not an export in these fields. just I am trying to exchange USDT to USD as soon as receiving

Me [1 minute ago]
And Bitcoin is just too volitle to accept no matter what? Is that right?

Him [1 minute ago]
I don’t receive bitcoin

Me [1 minute ago]
I mean if I said I will pay you in Bitcoin or USDT, what do you take and why?

Him < 1 minute ago]
I mean USDT is stable regarding value. not private or public. 1 USDT a always 1USD

Now we went back and forth a little more; but no matter how I phrased it and No matter what I asked him, he always came back to stability.

Happy to ask him any other questions if anyone has any.

I listened to ZGO presentation for the third time. Day 2, track 1 @5:

Q: Can we use it as a POS

A. We originally wanted it to be a POS…It runs on any device…you create request for payment…Offer, pay and its done…That was our original idea…the challenge is to find vendors will accept ZEC…for the foreseeable future vendors will want to use fiat, credit cards etc…its too hard to ask vendors to accept just ZEC. —> I interpret is answer to mean the vendors want stability, they want real cash. AMP protocol also has validated this.


@januszgrze I thought your talk at Zcon was one of the best. This kind of discussion about Zcash’s mission and marketing approach are what I feel will really move the needle on adoption. Thanks for contributing some counter-intuitive but very true ideas!


It sounds like that you want to make ZCG an independent entity and move it to a jurisdiction that doesn’t require KYC? Or did you have something else in mind? If that is the case I fully support it.

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