Thanks, please see below the grant proposal, I could indeed post a zcash issue, now the situation is the very same than with bitcoin, see the bitcoin-dev post and github bitcoin discussion, please (some people) prove me that I am incorrect but I don’t find serious the use of the Tor network for zcash/others and let people play with the torrc file the way they like, the use of the Tor network for zcash and others is not the right solution, it’s even dangerous due to some specific Tor network features, the right solution is to have zcash nodes/clients implement the Tor protocol as a real P2P network
@Shawn it does worth it, definitely, this project is usually misunderstood
Applicant background
I have been involved since quite some time in privacy/security projects and did participate in many lists/groups (W3C, ecmascript, browsers bugs report, liberationtech, Tor, p2p-hackers, webp2p, etc)
I was a member of the W3C WebCrypto working group, and as such suggested many things related to the Tor protocol, I did motivate also the revival of the W3C (dead and depecrated) Streams API and helped to adapt it to what is needed today
I am also registered as security/privacy expert at the EU level and did participate as evaluator of cybersecurity H-2020 proposals
I am in contact with the Tor project people since the beginning and did report some bugs in the Tor bug tracker, I am also in contact with many people in the community including devs and academics
For more information please see and
Description of Problem or Opportunity
The problem today is that we must invent one network per need if we want to evade big data centralization and protect privacy/anonymity: to browse, to chat, to email, to exchange files, to do social networking or cooperative work, to do crypto currency, to protect the users from their
connected objects, to handle peer identities
node-Tor allows to anonymize any protocol on any platform fix or mobile, it has the unique property to work inside browsers also, please see some of the use cases/discussions here: GitHub - Ayms/node-Tor: Javascript implementation of the Tor (or Tor like) anonymizer project (The Onion Router)
Proposed Solution
The ultimate target of node-Tor would be the Convergence proposal: A universal and generic architecture to anonymize any application or protocol and turn it into an independent decentralized p2p network inside browsers and servers, with browsers acting as servers
For this grant we propose to finish and release phase 4 of node-Tor implementing the evented pipe methods allowing to pipe any protocol with node-Tor, including bitcoin/zcash, wallets, spv clients, please see GitHub - Ayms/node-Tor: Javascript implementation of the Tor (or Tor like) anonymizer project (The Onion Router)
Solution Format
Open source node-Tor js code and associated documentation in github repo GitHub - Ayms/node-Tor: Javascript implementation of the Tor (or Tor like) anonymizer project (The Onion Router)
Technical approach
node-Tor should not be misunderstood with the Tor project code and features, this is a complete implementation of the Tor protocol not mimicking some specifics of the Tor project which are dedicated to be used with the Tor Browser
The complete code is quite small for what it does, only 500 kB minified, with zero dependencies since everything is embedded in the code (crypto, etc)
How big of a problem would it be to not solve this problem?
Current use by bitcoin/zcash and others of the Tor network is not appropriate, even dangerous, the Tor network is small and centralized, it is intended to be used via the Tor browser with many specific features that do not apply to crypto currencies, and it is not dimensionned to absorb crypto currencies traffic neither designed to anonymize transactions and nodes, please see this discussion [bitcoin-dev] Rebroadcast mechanism in Bitcoin P2P network
But as showned above in the use cases, the goal is not limited to crypto currency networks, it can apply to any protocol like visioconf, covid apps, etc
Execution risks
There are no risks, while the documentation is already available it remains difficult to use node-Tor in its current state despite of the fact that it is now modular and ES6 like, phase 4 is when it becomes easy and when I am not required any longer to integrate/extend it
Unintended Consequences
As always with this kind of project, if it can be used to protect people then it can be used to do the contrary and/or by “bad” people
Evaluation plan
While releasing phase 4 we will revive the Peersm demo, which is a demo of node-Tor inside browsers where the browser is implementing the Onion Proxy function allowing to anonymously fetch web resources (not to be misunderstood with browsing) and download content from other browsers running Peersm also, see the configuration here (using browsers, node-Tor nodes and Tor network nodes) : GitHub - Ayms/node-Tor at c98db366ada656c20131d07fe071ba9737805c2c
Schedule and Milestones
Two months
The project is currently stuck between phase 3 and phase 4, so phase 4 is partially implemented (funded by myself), we estimate two months to finish it and set the Peersm demo, so a total of 5 months with 10K USD per month, which is comparable to EU Grants rate of 60 E/hour for 140 hours a month