Official Shielded Support for Zcash In Ledger HW Wallet

Thank you @ZcashRabbi we are trying to make sure that the new app is available for as many devices as possible. At the moment we’re facing issues with NanoX.

We are trying to finalice this as soon as possible, we’re eager to have this app released. We’re collaborating with several wallets to help them integrate this app and have provided an initial documentation to help on the integration. Here we have published a wallet integration guide.


We have also worked on the Ledger app for Namada. An initial version is already available on Ledger Live. However we’re still working on an upgrade that will implement MASP (Multi Asset Shielded Pool),



When I was reading this I was under the impression the airdrop was only available to coins in the shielded pool.


This is wonderful news. Thank you for adding shielded support!

In my opinion, it was a big mistake to ever direct Zcash users to use hardware wallets before shielded support was ready.

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@ainhoa-zondax Hi any updates on the progress of this?


@ainhoa-zondax update? Also, when Orchard support, since the app supports only Sapling pool?


Hi @zkcroc @ywalletfan, I’d like to share an update with you and the rest of the community.

First and foremost, we are still actively working on the application and are committed to overcoming any obstacles that arise as we move towards the public release. We were in the final stages of release, but during our internal functional review, we identified a few issues that have since been addressed.

During this time we have also simplified the JS library to streamline the integration process. While helping other teams to integrate with the app we realised that the codebase is difficult to maintain. This lead us to conversations with the ECC to provide a migration path for users relying on this library. This will facilitate integration with wallets, such as Zashi. While we plan to ship the initial app with ZEC wallet support we expect to facilitate the path to other wallets.

Due to recent changes in the app, we will need to conduct a delta audit. We have already coordinated with the auditors to schedule this.

While the current application does not support Orchard, we would like to address this once the initial app has been released.

I hope I can provide you with a concrete timeline in the next weeks. I’m really sorry for the delay and we keep working hard to getting this released as soon as possible.


Hey thanks for keeping us in the loop!

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thanks for updates. one day it will release im sure.


Thank you for the update and your hard work. Getting shielded hardware wallet support is a critical piece that will empower Zcash users. Once we have this and DEX support (Maya Protocol), it will change everything.


@joshs @zancas What’s the hold up? This release won’t even have UA’s nor Orchard if I’m reading this correctly. Thank you for any insight. :zebra:

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exactly, it’s a shame! and we all should feel ashamed for it!

there are a few grants that always deliver, but besides that everyone is taking it easy and seems to not care as much as they should.

guys, i am waiting for shielded transactions on my ledger for years.


funny is ledger and zondax are the ones who have been responsible for the delay

except Hanh, who made it shielded possible by sideloading on Nano S, but they didnt like his Ledger app to integrate into official ledger app :upside_down_face:

There are no app on the Ledger Live store.
Using sideloading, everything has been supported for more than a year.


but sideloading only works with ledger nano s plus, right… not Ledger Nano X and not the brand new Ledger Stax. Also, last time I checked, ledger button to import wallet was not available in the desktop app (has it been readded since?) and the ledger page from disappeared.

I removed it because they said they were developing a version for the Ledge Live Store and were going to release it “soon.” The code is still there but disabled.

Sideloading works for NanoS, S+ and Stax.


We have implemented the app for all existing devices and are committed to this project, working to resolve all obstacles to ensure its official release on the Ledger Live store.

There have been delays, primarily to the difficulties on the integration with wallets and more recently with crashes on Nano X devices.

Currently, we have a functional copy of the ZEC wallet that is compatible with this app, and Ledger is using it for testing. Some delays on their end have been related to the anticipated release of the Stax device, which is now finally being delivered.

We have also collaborated with Zingo to assist with the app integration, though we have no control over their timeline and priorities. Additionally, we have engaged with the Zashi team, who have shown interest in making their app compatible with Ledger in the future.

We have published guidelines to facilitate wallet integration with our app, but we have no control over the timelines of these integrations.

While it’s true that the initial app won’t support UA and Orchard this is something that we would like to support once the initial app is published.

I share your frustration regarding the project’s delays and assure you that our team is taking this very seriously.


It’s a priority… we’ve had to delay to adapt to the ZIP317/ZIP320 work that was not in our original roadmap. Barring more surprises we’ll be actively working on it soon.


I share your frustration. But, you have to realize that this is because Zcash is very unique, and very difficult to work with compared to all of the transparent ledger, cookie-cutter projects. The magnitude of difference might be likened to riding your bike around the block versus landing a live zebra on mars. So, we should all learn some patience and grace as we work towards enormously difficult goals through uncharted waters in adverse conditions. :handshake:


This has one of the most frustrating let downs for me personally. It has been almost at the finish line several times the last few years but always just out of reach.

Ledger support is a fundamental first step of adoption and self custody for the crypto masses, and has been a major disappointment that it had been such a shamozzle

Im eagerly looking forward to Zondax finally getting the job done