I am running a zcashd node and I want to export my wallet so I can have a safe backup.
Tried with:
zcash-cli z_exportwallet “myWallet” -exportdir “/home/m0sh1x2/wallet/”
and got this error:
error: {“code”:-1,“message”:“z_exportwallet "filename"\n\nExports all wallet keys, for taddr and zaddr, in a human-readable format.\n\nArguments:\n1. "filename" (string, required) The filename, saved in folder set by zcashd -exportdir option\n\nResult:\n"path" (string) The full path of the destination file\n\nExamples:\n> zcash-cli z_exportwallet "test"\n> curl --user myusername --data-binary ‘{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "z_exportwallet", "params": ["test"] }’ -H ‘content-type: text/plain;’\n”}
I am really not sure what is wrong but I just get stuck here.