Releasing mining rewards over 50 weeks

Daira, please stop slinging accusations. It’s unprofessional, it’s hurtful to me personally, and it’s probably unnecessarily alarming to community members who see that and think that we might be behaving irresponsibly. That’s not the case. There is going to be plenty of time and a well-honed process (The Zcash Network Upgrade Pipeline - Electric Coin Company) to make sure that the batch of changes in the next Network Upgrade are safe and that they protect users and increase the usability and security of the network.

The next step in that process is that it is my job to specify the requirements, so that we know what it is that we need to specify, get internal and external security audits of the design, implement, get internal and external security audits of the implementation, test, etc. You are doing a great job of helping with that work by raising the existence of potential problems and working out the technical implications of various design choices. Please continue with that, and please stop with the accusations. I’ve looked briefly at your simulation results and I’ll look at it more carefully again tomorrow. I’m pretty sure it does not reveal a fatal flaw in the whole concept of Harmony Mining, but if it does, we’ll have plenty of time to sort that out.