If for other cryptos, such as LTC, privacy is a feature and not a product, what product do they offer that Zcash doesn’t?
I’ve observed a lot of struggle and disagreement around Zcash, especially concerning taddr.
From my perspective (within my personal info-bubble), one of the core issues is the lack of a price-adoption-evolution cycle. I believe @januszgrze or @joshs highlighted this once. I can’t locate the original article, but the idea has resonated with me since I read that.
Every cryptocurrency requires engagement to grow, and much of this engagement in crypto is driven by price rather than features.
Perhaps it’s a “chicken and egg” dilemma, but I’m quite certain that eggs came before chickens and in our case the egg represents price.
Most buy crypto to make money, not for privacy or freedom. Once they have made some money, they start to think about keeping/spending it privately. Some use a Binance Visa card, which I think misses the whole point of crypto.
But why do they use Visa ?
Because it’s accepted everywhere and it’s so called private because vendor won’t have any information about their funds.
As for t-addr, people keep their Zcash in taddr because they trust tools like Ledger. They think it’s safer than keeping coins on their phones.
Based on these reflexions, I think two things can make Zcash(and shielding in particular) more popular:
• A rising price(or at least not falling, with a clear bottom line)
• A simple and safe way for long term storage.
I see a lot of very smart people here who are trying to get along and make Zcash network successful. IMHO all of these people are going too deep into the rabbit hole, trying to find an engineering solution for adoption while it’s not quite necessary to go so deep.
Many of those bright minds don’t even know who is Michael Saylor which is so popular in CT among « crypto normies » if I can call them this way.
I personally don’t have any actual solution but I hope to provide view on crypto industry from my perspective.
When I was at Zcon4, I had met a lot of people involved in Zcash who don’t even use Twitter because they don’t have time for it.
Most people I know in my daily life are into crypto just to make money. Bitcoin for them is « number go up » tech, not « digital p2p cash ».
People are laughing at me when I ask them if they accept ZEC but few of them are actually okay with BTC.
And indeed, why you will accept something that loses it’s value.
Wow, that makes a lot of letters…
I hope this message proves useful and isn’t a waste of time for you guys…
And also, if « price is not an egg » I personally bet on ZSAs.
If ZSAs won’t bring the adoption-price-evolution cycle, I can’t imagine what can do that…