RFP - Zcash Lightwalletd Infrastructure Development and Maintenance

We delivered Milestone 4 of the grant, continuing to provide global light wallet infrastructure for the Zcash network.

Our vision is to further decentralize the Zcash network by financially incentivizing people to run more light wallet nodes. We also want to make it as easy as possible for non-technical people to host their own nodes.

This Monday, we begin our first workshop on how to host Zcash light wallet infrastructure. Everyone should sign up! We’re bumping the class size up to allow everyone to participate.

We will reward the top 20 server operators which have the best uptime with a $90/month reimbursement in ZEC for their time and hosting costs for six months. We’d love to extend this reward further and intend to publish a public donation address that any individual or granting body is welcomed to contribute to, even retroactively if desired.

To track the uptime of our growing network and to fairly reward new participants, we are developing Hosh. We maintain a Hosh instance at hosh.zec.rocks which we will continue to maintain throughout the six month class.

Our goal is for there to be so many nodes out there that we no longer will need to run our own infrastructure. Instead of hosting it, we will aggregate it and allow wallet developers to pull a list of nodes from Hosh’s API. I believe that we’re around six months out from that goal.

Thank you to ZCG for bootstrapping our efforts with the grant that we applied for in this thread. We intend to experiment with crowdfunding for our next proposal before asking for any ZEC from our community’s grantors.

Zcash rocks!