Happy Thanksgiving to US-oriented folks, and happy thursday in fall to everyone else. This post is an update on the unofficial, badly designed, thoroughly disavowed, and universally panned “Staked Poll on Zcash Dev Fund debate”.
As of this morning, the votes collected so far (subject to change) are:
- 3278.492433 (t1RiPMkD…) (t1M69j4…) 1N2N3N4N5N6N7N8N9N10Y11N12N13N (tx1) (tx2)
Yes on 10: Grand Compromise synthesis proposal, no to all else - 26.9998 t1HtjB8… 1N2N3A4N5N6N7N8Y9N10A11N12Y13Y (tx)
That’s Yes on 8 fund ECC for 2 more years, 12 ecc/zfnd/grants, 13 keep it simple,
Abstain on 3 20% spit, and 10,
No on everything else - 0.15319907 t1J13Pa… 1n2n3n4n5n6n7n8n9n10n11n12n13Y
“In other words, yes for Proposal 13: Keep It Simple, Zcashers (KISZ)”, no on everything else
Warning: anyone who participates in this cursed poll is actively contributing to a “disgusting privacy mess”
If you too wish to participate and send your soul to privacy coin purgatory, you could always follow the instructions above, and put a ZEC balance on a t-address and send a t->z to the stake poll address with your vote in the memo field.
Since t-addresses are subject to on-chain analysis, and to make the privacy risks even more explicit here, we can scrutinize these just a bit. The t1J13Pa… address looks like it unshielded just to vote. On the other hand, both of these addresses t1RiPMkD… t1M69j4… look to me like they’re direct recipients of mining pool payouts. The t1HtjB8… is a few transactions away from mining pool payouts. I think this is interesting because it suggests that this stake polling mechanism may be used by miners to voice their inputs, even if the mining pools they join do not support it! Of course, the turnout so far is about %0.04 of the coins in circulation, so it’s impossible to draw any conclusion about this as a representative sample.
Disclaimer: Zcash Foundation has clearly indicated that this poll is not official, and although it could be considered as “other sentiment collection,” given the myriad problems with this form of poll discussed above, it should be interpreted with due skepticism. I’m the sole promoter of this poll survey, acting in my free time and not in any capacity related to Zcash Foundation. Stay tuned for the technical analysis and weather forecast.
Always blockchain responsibly.
~=z2z me=~