Staked Poll on Zcash Dev Fund Debate

Thank you everyone who has participated so far in this informal stakeholders poll! It’s been a treat to sit in the front row and be splashed by the whales :stuck_out_tongue: :whale:

I’m tentatively considering this petition closed as of the time of this post, at block 647905.

This means that I’m no longer updating my spreadsheet, so from this point on, you may move your coins from the t-address to somewhere else (ideally to the shielded pool), and it wont affect the tally shown here. Of course since this petition is a permissionless process, anyone who would like to keep the poll open longer is welcome to do so without my permission. You could even keep using the same stakepoll address and make your own petition.

I also can’t tell you what to do with your own coins, but if you’ve participated and enjoyed the service so far and would like to do me a favor, then consider :whale: Please move your coins from the t-address into the shielded pool!! :whale: Then I’d be able to rest easier knowing this initiative had some positive impact on shielded adoption at the end, despite the privacy/robustness hazards in the process itself. I’ll work on adding a gadget to the spreadsheet to indicate how well the return into the shielded pool is going.

For reproducibility, here’s some additional info about my process so far:

  • I’ve archived the spreadsheet view at wayback machine (note: this archive link doesn’t seem to work consistently, maybe it needs time to settle?)
  • View-only link to the google doc spreadsheet to facilitate folks making their own charts or making a copy
  • Here is the gist for the code I used for populating this spreadsheet
    Basically I ran this script from a viewing-key only node every few minutes then uploaded the resulting csv to a webserver
  • Note that this code above used the zchain API in addition to the full node API. A drawback of this approach is that the Zchain API doesn’t seem to support “query account balance as of a certain block height”. The next thing I plan to do is provide some alternative code that uses “importaddress” on each of the participating addresses, and “z_getbalance” API calls to query the balance as of a certain height.

Edit: I reviewed the log to look for accidental sends to the poll address. I found that tx:86eed3c2… from t1avGfG… actually sent about 9 ZEC to the polling address, along with the memo “ö”. Maybe it was intended as a donation, maybe was a failed attempt to vote, in any case I returned it to sender.