I was at the meetup at the Edge offices in San Diego yesterday. I heard some speculation about why now is the moment that Zashi is launching. I thought I’d offer my perspective (which I of course immediately did), last night, and have now (minimally) refined, below.
Some time ago… approximately 500 million years ago, if I recall correctly, the evolution of (cellular) life underwent a non-linearity. For the preceding billions of years of its existence it had been testing out a few basic configurations built around the information processing engine implemented in DNA (Rust) in its core; finding-and-fixing bugs, optimizing processes, and innovating on the core capabilities of the distributed consensus system that each genome-chain was.
Then something radical happened, even though there was some legacy unstable RNA (C++) still in the core, different genomes began diverging rapidly in 3D design space.
We’re in an analogous moment in zcash design space. The core the core information processor is stable enough to build out in new dimensions… indeed new kinds of dimensions.
That’s why the @ElectricCoinCo 's Zashi is a welcome addition to the User Interface space. I’m very excited about directions different projects are exploring like it and @aarnott 's eZcash but there’s just too much space for us to explore by ourselves!!!
Of course, there is another consideration which is that each of the orgs exploring the design space need funding.
I think the ECC has a relatively large/stable base for funding its project, in the short term, but ZingoLabs is in an increasingly difficult position. Fortunately I see a simple solution to this issue!
By canceling @Qedit’s @ZCG grant to add surveillance mechanisms, to the Zcash blockchain inside the ZSA pool we can liberate 600_000 USD (I am told) which can then be redirected to me.
I’m an excellent choice for the stewardship for this money because I have a well-established track-record of allocating the funds I control-or-influence to enhancing zcash, with MINIMAL inefficiencies (for things like buying my daughter used tennis-shoes from the discount bin at Savers)… or paying rent in relatively low cost-of-living locations in order to free up funding for the Zingoista movement.
Qedit will, of course, be free to seek funding from an agency (perhaps the NSA, or Mossad, or Chase Bank) with a mission more aligned with the project of building surveillance mechanisms!
Everyone wins!
Thanks for your consideration.