The Cambrian Interface Explosion

I think this post started a bit odd. I’m glad the sharp-edge ironies are over and we can discuss more seriously.

I don’t think that the following quote is fair

  1. It is public knowledge that ALL Zcash engineers from ALL TEAMS are overworked. People might miss things. Example: I entered a FROST rabbithole one day and when I got out two days after there were three NEW DEV FUND PROPOSALS! It can happen that engineers have to choose between reviewing code or carefully reading and replying in the forums. they can’t do both. let’s be nice to each other. :slight_smile:
  2. Engaging professionally in the forums takes time. Sometime crafting a good post, requires many minutes, sitdowns, rephrasing, maturing the reactions, cooling down, rethinking and probably you end up deleting the post. Zcash devs shouldn’t shoot from the hip in the forums, our word is important, the community has trusted us with resources and they expect we use them delivering the most value possible.

I never thought there was an intention to not request feedback to the core devs on this. I celebrate this statement from ZCG. :heart:

proceeds to write a piece of remarkable Internet literature

Respects to @daira

My take on this
I was not aware of all the details shared on ZKProof 6. It kind of scared me when they were explained to me. I’m speaking as someone that really needs the feature: I already have price volatility at home :cold_face:. But if there are bridges, DEX or CEXs I can get transparent stable coins already. What’s the benefit of a lesser-private pool to get stablecoins if users have a faux sense of privacy because we need to trust the keys don’t leak? Isn’t that the trusted setup we worked so hard to get rid of?

I don’t know. I’m sure this is it’s not what most users understand that for a Zcash Shielded Asset.

I think that QEDIT should dedicate to work on deploying “vanilla” ZSAs first.

I understand because I am one of those users. The problem is that other users that leave under more oppresive goverments than me, won’t have the protection against it that they want Zcash to provide for them. A Regulated ZSA will eventually protect you against 5-dollar wrench attacks, it’s not bad, but it’s sub-par under Zcash standards.

I refer to my own posts

META: It took me about 50 minutes to read the thread and write this down