Updated for the Nvidia Jetson Nano. I managed to sync from scratch with this but it wasn’t great. It runs a custom spin of Ubuntu 18.04. Syncing was slow and I had one out of memory error. I didn’t configure any swap but due to low memory, it was swapping out to the SD card which was obviously terribly slow. I tweaked the swappiness value via sudo sysctl vm.swappiness=0
which helped complete the sync.
Unless you have specific needs for the Nvidia, I’d probably recommend the Odroid N2 or Pine64 RockPro (4GB) for the best out of box experience for a zcashd node with the Odroid the slight performance winner.
ARM Board Sapling Spend Sapling Output Odroid C2 12.25 1.79 Raspberry Pi 3B 15.64 2.29 Raspberry Pi 3B+ 14.71 1.99 Odroid N2 6.46 0.98 Nvidia Jetson Nano 9.73 1.43 Pine64 RockPro64 (4GB) 7.93 1.13