Welcoming Autotunafish as our new Community Support Coordinator!

Well, what does this mean? As community support coordinator, my primary job function, among others, will be providing direct p2p technical support to essentially all issues Zcash related. However, even if it was limited to just that, I still couldn’t be in all the niche Zcash places everywhere to find issues and address them all. Most people who know a little bit about Zcash might come to the forum or discord with an issue (or even just straight to github if they were well versed in the matter) but then again they might not or they may be unwilling to create a forum or discord account. If you encounter a situation like this or perhaps not (just have questions, comments, concerns!) PLEASE don’t hesitate to reach out to me, either DM or publicly, however you’re most comfortable. Here on the Forum I’m @autotunafish and on Discords I’m @tripleyouwu