Last week, the ZOMG hosted a call with some community members and representatives from the ECC and ZF. We went through the whitepaper and brainstormed areas where community members showed interest in getting involved with.
Here are some follow ups that we discussed. I am tagging those who volunteered, with the request that you all respond with what you think good next steps are.
Private spending via a browser extension
Ishan / @mrbabble talked about working on a browser extension to spend ZEC, like Could you please talk to the Zephyr team about this (Zephyr = metamask for zec; search the forum for this keyword)? They are looking for someone to work with. FYI @mistfpga @fireice_uk; maybe we found you the replacement you wanted! -
Bootstrapping cheaper ways of running a client
Currently running one requires hosting a 26 GB blockchain. @gygaxis @zancas and @aserrano, could you please followup? -
DeFi applications
@hanh mentioned that some of these are very easy to do, some potentially taking only a week. The only question that remains is: which to do? I will follow up with Hanh. -
Project tracking platform
An online platform that will aggregate information regarding awarded grants, with the intention of achieving better, more consistent tracking. This would also provide better ZOMG support for and communications with grantees. This will ensure projects deliver well, and also allow us to course correct in case unexpected events/discoveries happen.
This is a serious pain point, current burdening both the @zomg and the ZF (who support us). We would really love to see someone step in to build this. We can provide input on the design and specification, if you lead with project management and asking the right questions. -
Mastering Zcash book
Many of us recognize the importance of this, to help people onboard onto Zcash more easily. @mrbabble put his hand up for this and has already created a draft outline. @mrbabble, let us know what a good next step would be. -
@hanh also put together a very thoughtful presentation with ideas for improving a wide range of topics, from the tracker for ZOMG projects, to server and wallet related improvements. I highly recommend taking a quick flip through. There are no clear action items at the moment, though I am incorporating some of these ideas into the main body of the whitepaper ZOMG - Google Slides
Zcash support on Tor3
On 15 October 2021, Tor2 will be disabled. This will expose Zcash nodes running on Tor today, making it an eminent and urgent problem. @zancas has stepped up to backport existing Bitcoin Tor3 support onto Zcash.
I will also be posting unofficial minutes taken by @holmes in the next 48 hours or so. [EDIT: posted. see message below]