It appears the ZCash Community Grants is operating under the ZCash Foundation (13% of the miner funding) - why are these marketed as separate entities? & MUCH more importantly - why would you have all your eggs in a single jurisdiction (beyond the violation to the decentralization ethos)?
The Zcash Foundation will work with the grantee to improve the grant application based on the outcome of the grants committee bi-weekly meeting. Some necessary improvements may involve:
Adjustments to proposed milestones (deliverables, funding tranches, timeframes, etc)
More detailed KPIs for grant success
Further details as required.
The finalized application must meet all requirements.
Hey - thanks for the reply @gottabeJay. Really trying to just DYOR right now, not trying to assert changes to be made.
I’m looking for how ZCG is elected - I know the marketing says “by ZCash community” - but is this done by a coin vote, or some other way? Does ZF control or administer who elects ZCG?
I’m trying to drill down to how credibly decentralized fund tax usage is (legal attack surface is my biggest concern, administrative capture also)
Can you confirm the ZCG receives all of the 8% from the mining tax?
i wouldn’t trust it to any other entity, and wouldn’t trust it to be on its own
The Foundation is the most efficient for it, as a non profit and trustworthy audited organization
as the name suggests, community grants should be funded by the community. not zec holders.
There is a lot of waste hiring people to review grants. copy monero model. it’s decentralized community development. people who want funding request it directly from the community. take out the middlemen and centralized gatekeepers.